Wednesday, August 19, 2009


today was the first day of school. it wasn't necessarily difficult, but i woke up at 5:30 and i haven't done that in several months. so...what to talk about...

i got a haircut yesterday, which is to say i got some extra layers cut in and a long, side-swept bang.

i need a pedicure.

my exzema is flaring up something fierce on my middle finger of my left hand, which is beginning to severely limit my flipping off abilities. the last thing you want is for someone to start laughing at the blisters and flaky spots on your skin when you flip them off. totally ruins the moment.

today, our principal was giving his first day back speech where he talks about rules and expectations, and he was talking about dress code. he mentioned something about cleavage and how if a woman wears a low-cut shirt, the boys in her room are only thinking about her cleavage, and then he says something along the lines of "i have a 17 year old son, and cleavage is pretty much the only thing he talks about--he's got boobs on his mind." it was hilarious, but really disconcerting to hear my principal say "boobs."

david, the german teacher, and i won the teacher superlative for Best Sense of Humor last year, and we've decided that we need to decide which award we want to win this year. then we became concerned that there would be different categories this year. we'll have to plan for the ambiguity.

TONIGHT IS KARAOKE NIGHT! we're heading down to Crown and Anchor (our favorite english pub) around 9 for a night of pre-schoolyear debauchery. and by "debauchery," i mean a couple bottles of cider and some karaoke. i party like a rock star. an old, washed up, tired rock star who has retired to become a teacher. and who looks really young. (with good hair, if i do say so myself. and i do)

and i just want to say, i miss apple juice. i was thinking about it yesterday. i love apple juice. i never drink it any more, because it has so many calories and so much sugar, but i miss it.

okay. that's really all i can think of tonight. seriously, once school starts, my blog posts should have some more substance.

today is august 19. day 8


Heidi said...

speaking of inappropriate comments (the boobs)...

i went to the pool with my family and my sister and her friend madeena and another girl who was introduced to me as a friend of theirs. we were sitting around, girl-talking and the friend was complaining about how she hated wearing a swimsuit and was self-conscious, etc. she looked fine to me so i went on and on about how she looked great and how she hadn't even had kids yet and her thighs were skinny and her breasst were DEFINITELY not sagging. so a couple hours later i asked lindsay why their friend (emily?) had such low self-esteem? she goes "heidi... SHE'S THIRTEEN!!!" oops! damn! inappropriate. they shouldn't have said "this is our friend whats-her-face" they should have said "this is the girl i'm babysitting." dang! throw a blind girl in the sun a bone!

as an added bonus for you, i will include what my word verification says before every comment i post.

today's word verification is:

Anonymous said...

Hey Heidi....I think they have places for people like you and your discussion with young girls!!! Sarah....I can't believe that you are blogging so was the club last night and how tired are you today??? Maybe this is the first step in a whole new Sarah!!! I don't know if I will like it or not....Dad needs company in his personality group and I already have your older brother to deal with!!! One family can only handle so many type A people!!


Sarah Nolan said...

Heidi, while that story is amusing, my favorite is still when you and Lindsay were at the pool and she asked you if she was getting red. I think it's totally understandable that she forgot that her sister was color blind, and had been her entire life.

Mom - don't worry. The majority of my life is still on the verge of epic disaster 90% of the time. some things will never change. For example, Sean has his lesson plans done for all of first semester, and Rob has his for the whole year, while I'm still hammering out the first week. eh.