Wednesday, August 12, 2009

a challenge

so, this is really lame, but I recently watched the movie Julie & Julia, and unlike my friends, who wanted to go home and cook, I wanted to go home and blog. I was amazed that Amy Adams' character managed to work full time, commute from manhattan to queens, cook over 500 recipes in one year, AND blog about all of them. I realized a while ago that I have what edgar allan poe called "epic mania" in regards to my blog. he was referring to overly long epic poetry (he thought poets were too obsessed with long poetry, and they needed to embrace the fact that short poems could express the same emotion--sometimes more emotion, in my opinion), but it's the same problem for my blog. I have this subconscious feeling that my blogs have to be several pages long for it to be 'worth' the effort of typing in the URL and hitting enter.

my other problem is that I can't ever think of things to write about. blogs are funny to me. sure, it's supposed to be like a journal, but you can't get really honest--people read it. and i have to be careful about what I write. If one of my friends is annoying me, I can't write about it--they might read it. so i'm stuck trying to find things that are funny and lighthearted to write about. i don't want to be too serious, because that would be a downer, and then no one would read it. of course, if that was the case, i could be as honest as i wanted...

so, inspired by the former titular character in the movie, i'm creating a personal challenge: i'm going to update my blog every day for one month. i have to write something on it each day. for 31 days. i'm going to find something that's worth writing about each day. i'm not going to force myself to write something long--it might just be a few sentences. i'm not going to force myself to write something funny--it might be serious sometimes. but, i'm going to do it. something on my blog, every day, for one month.

today is august 12. day 1.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

dude! wasn't julie & julia amazing?!?!?!