Saturday, August 22, 2009

and for today...

here's the second one, to fulfill heidi's request for my brave new world test.

Modern Literature
Brave New World Test

Part I: Matching (character description) – choose the letter of the character that matches each description below

1. misfit who lets success go to his head
2. pretty and popular nurse at the Hatchery
3. Resident Controller for Western Europe
4. Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning
5. frustrated writer of state propaganda
6. uncivilized person brought to the World State
7. World State girl who gives birth to a child
a. Helmholtz Watson
b. John, the Savage
c. Thomas (Thomakin)
d. Lenina Crowne
e. Linda
ab. Bernard Marx
ac. Mustapha Mond

Matching (characters and ideas) – choose the person that directly or indirectly expresses each of the following ideas in Brave New World.

8. wants goodness, freedom, God, danger, and literature
9. wants to be able to do things alone
10. feels he has the power to say something important but has nothing important to say
11. voices his concern about the kind of government needed to control science
12. considers stability the most important need of humankind

a. John
b. Controller
c. Helmholtz Watson
d. Bernard Marx

Part II: True/False – for each of the following statements, mark “A” for true or “B” for false.
13. Even the recreational games of the populace encourage consumption.
14. There is no mobility from one social class to another in the World State.
15. John, the Savage, had been brought to the Savage Reservation when he was very young.
16. On the Savage Reservation, Lenina is horrified at the sight of illness, old age, and filth.
17. John had read The Complete Works of William Shakespeare while living on the Savage Reservation.
18. Bernard Marx brings John and Linda back to the World State purely for scientific purposes.
19. Citizens of the World State are conditioned to enjoy solitude and given opportunities to do so.
20. Human reproduction is controlled in scientific laboratories by mass-production techniques.
21. The citizens of the World State are encouraged to remember and respect history.
22. Huxley has projected his story one hundred years into the future.
23. The members of the upper class are expected to be childish in their emotional behavior.
24. The Director of Hatcheries is publicly humiliated by the revelation that he is a father.
25. One of the catch-phrases of the World State is “Civilization is Sterilization.”
26. John claims the right to be unhappy.
27. New discoveries in science are regarded as potentially dangerous to the world order.
28. Helmholtz wants a bad climate to help him write.
29. God and religion are important in the World State.

Part III: Multiple Choice – choose the letter of the best answer

30. The planetary motto of the World State is
a. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
b. Community, Identity, Stability
c. Society, Science, Happiness
d. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

31. The sleep-teaching process is known as
a. Podsnap’s Technique
b. hypnopaedia
c. Bokanovsky’s Process
d. Solidarity Service

32. The social order of the World State is based on
a. upper, lower, and middle classes
b. five clearly defined classes
c. complete social equality
d. none of the above

33. Bokanovsky’s Process
a. teaches children moral slogans
b. buds embryos
c. immunizes against disease
d. keeps lower caste people from being tall

34. Fanny criticizes Lenina because she is
a. not doing her job
b. seeing too much of Henry Foster
c. taking too much soma
d. wearing old clothes

35. It is rumored that the reason Bernard’s physique is not up to the normal Alpha standards is because of
a. a childhood accident
b. an accident before he was Bokanovskified
c. a birth injury
d. alcohol in his blood-surrogate
36. There is a close bond between Helmholtz and Bernard because of
a. the similar work they do
b. their close family relationship
c. their feeling that they are both individuals
d. their success with women

37. A Savage Reservation is a
a. special experimental area for scientific work
b. place not worth the expense of civilizing
c. popular vacation area
d. zoo

38. People living on the Savage Reservation are
a. free to come and go at will
b. never able to escape
c. kept there for short periods of time for scientific study
d. none of the above

39. When Linda returns to London, she
a. is happily reunited with Tomakin
b. goes back to work at the Hatchery
c. goes on a soma holiday
d. gets her old job back

40. After visiting a factory staffed by identical lower-caste workers, John recalls the phrase about the brave new world, and he feels
a. filled with pride
b. physically sick at what he sees
c. eager to see more of this new civilization
d. bored

41. Helmholtz cannot understand Shakespeare’s writings because
a. they deal with emotional ideas
b. the language is too complicated
c. they are written in a foreign language
d. he doesn’t know how to read

42. The World State came into being
a. through the efforts of world diplomats
b. after a period of mild international tension
c. after a disastrous war
d. after a revolution

43. The citizens of the World State sacrifice truth and beauty for
a. youth
b. soma
c. comfort.
d. sex

44. Linda’s World State background
a. helps her to adjust to Indian ways
b. has not prepared her to be self-sufficient
c. helps her to civilize the Indians
d. both a and c

45. When John is brought to London
a. people are afraid to come near him
b. most people aren’t particularly interested in meeting him
c. he gets arrested
d. members of the upper caste of London are wild to see him

46. When John is exposed to civilization, he reacts with
a. very little astonishment or awe
b. wonder and admiration
c. fear and despair
d. excitement

47. Censorship of written material is necessary because
a. new ideas might de-condition the people’s minds
b. new scientific discoveries might frighten the populace
c. some material might incite the lower classes to revolt
d. people can’t read very well

48. Helmholtz gets in trouble because he writes about
a. revolution
b. solitude
c. government
d. God

49. John reacts to Lenina’s advances toward him with
a. disinterest and boredom
b. warmth and tenderness
c. shyness and innocence
d. disgust and violence

50. When Linda dies, John
a. takes it with typical World State indifference
b. is overcome with grief
c. shows relief
d. tries to kill Mustapha Mond

51. In the fight with the workers over the soma distribution, John is aided by
a. Bernard
b. Helmholtz
c. . Henry Foster
d. no one

52. Because they do not conform to appropriate standards of behavior, Bernard and Helmholtz are to be
a. sent to an island
b. deprived of their soma ration
c. arrested and sent to the Indian Reservation
d. executed

53. The World State society emphasizes
a. truth and beauty
b. art and religion
c. sacrifice and delayed gratification
d. comfort and happiness

54. In the novel’s last scene John
a. returns to the Reservation
b. decides to go to London to live
c. commits suicide
d. arrives at the island with Bernard and Helmholtz

55. When Mond points out to John that the right to be unhappy includes senility, sickness, hunger, pain, and fear, John
a. changes his mind
b. is undecided
c. claims them all
d. starts to cry

56. John believes that life in the World State is too
a. easy
b. sacrilegious
c. dull
d. busy

57. Tired of being experimented with, John
a. runs away to an abandoned lighthouse
b. accepts the ways of the World State
c. hides at the Reservation
d. becomes World Controller

58. John attempts to become worthy of his new location
a. by drinking mustard and water
b. through prayer and self-torture
c. by becoming more knowledgeable
d. both a and b

59. John attempts to drive his desire for Lenina out of his mind by
a. praying
b. writing her letters
c. whipping himself
d. focusing on his garden

60. The final encounter between Lenina and John
a. is a happy one
b. ends on a violent note with John beating Lenina
c. finds Lenina telling John she no longer loves him
d. both a and c

61. When the crowd indulges in an orgy of soma and sex, John
a. is drawn into the orgy
b. retreats from the scene without yielding
c. implores the people to stop their immoral behavior
d. goes crazy and starts whipping everyone there

62. To achieve universal happiness and stability, the citizens of the World State
a. sacrifice art, science, and religion
b. give the people complete freedom of choice
c. regulate only the scientific aspects of society
d. all of the above

63. The word “mother” was considered in the World State to be
a. obscene
b. natural
c. funny
d. sacred

64. The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning threatens Bernard with exile if he does not
a. pay more attention to his work
b. retract his request for a permit to enter the savage reservation
c. stay away from Lenina
d. conform to the standard of infantile behavior

65. By the standards of the World State, Lenina’s one character flaw is her
a. desire to go on permanent soma holiday
b. empty-headed mouthing of the catch-phrases of civilization
c. dissatisfaction with being a Beta
d. tendency toward non-promiscuity

66. Mustapha Mond considers Helmholtz and Bernard’s exile to be
a. a just punishment for their rebellion
b. an unfortunate but necessary thing to preserve social stability
c. a desirable alternative to the World State
d. an example to others who might be tempted to rebel

67. What does Mustapha Mond call soma?
a. “The Miracle Cure”
b. “The Best of Both Worlds”
c. “Christianity without tears”
d. Happiness for everyone”

68. The Controllers of the World State do not want change because
a. perfection has already been achieved
b. every change is a menace to stability
c. the oppressed lower castes would be tempted to revolt
d. old things are better than new things

69. John often imagined
a. himself as Romeo and Lenina as Juliet
b. himself as Hamlet and Lenina as Ophelia
c. himself as Prospero and Lenina s Miranda
d. himself as King Lear

70. Which of the following is not one of the catch-phrases of the World State?
a. “Ending is better than mending”
b. “Cleanliness is next to Fordliness”
c. “You are what you eat”
d. ”When the individual feels, the community reels”

71. Why do the people at the lighthouse start mimicking John?
a. They can’t think for themselves
b. They think it’s a game
c. They enjoy pain
d. none of the above

72. Brave New World is best described as which of the following words, because it “shows us a world that is a mirror of ours, with the worst features of our world drawn out and exaggerated.”
a. utopia
b. satire
c. post-apocalyptic
d. dystopia

73. How does the World State ensure that no one turns to God in their old age?
a. they’ve eliminated old age
b. they kill every person when they turn 30
c. the word “God” doesn’t exist anymore
d. none of the above

74. Aldous Huxley was born in
a. Los Angeles
b. Canada
c. England
d. India

75. Huxley had a disease that affected his _________ for the rest of his life.
a. skin
b. liver
c. heart
d. eyes

Part IV: Short Essays – answer each of the following questions in a paragraph. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. (10 points each)

76. Why does John kill himself? What is the imagery of the last paragraph of the novel, where Huxley describes John’s slowly rotating body as a compass needle.

77. There are many themes from the novel Brave New World. From the list below, choose the theme that is the most important and explain why.
a. Scientific progress has the power to destroy civilization.
b. A society whose citizens have no religious beliefs is meaningless.
c. Life without the freedom to express one’s own thoughts and feelings is empty.
d. Art cannot thrive without instability.
c. Other – your own statement of the theme.

78. Choose a character who embodies one of the following concepts, and explain how Huxley used this character to present his ideas.
a. Everyone is happy, so why go against what we’ve been taught?
b. Happiness can be engineered through science, and this creates the best human condition: stability
c. Art (this includes literature) is empty without suffering
d. God is the source of all meaning
e. Freedom to express one’s own thoughts and feelings is the most important right a human being has.

79. Few of Huxley's predictions have proven to be perfectly accurate, yet many aspects of the World State feel uncomfortably like our world. Choose one characteristic of the World State that is most like our world and explain how it’s most like our world.

i realize these aren't the two most exciting posts ever, but dang! 31 days is gonna be hard. my life just isn't that exciting.

today is august 22. day 11

1 comment:

Heidi said...

you're my least favorite teacher!!! so, i'm going to go and reread that book, and then i'll take your test.

today's word verification is: rhoolac