Tuesday, October 18, 2005

rain, rain, go away...

it has been raining for the last TWO DAYS!! i can't believe it. the funny thing is that my students were completely unable to deal with it. one girl was complaining about her jacket being wet and i asked her why she didn't bring an umbrella. her answer: "my sister has it." IT? i asked her if they just had one umbrella for her, her sister and her mom, and she said yes. i about crapped my pants. i have three. one lives in my car, one lives in my apartment, and one lives in my bag. it was funny at first, and then i got annoyed because it's just freaking rain!! the crazy thing is that the water doesn't go anywhere. at home, when it rains, the water gets absorbed into the ground and it's muddy, but the water doesn't stand. here, because the ground is so dense, the water has no place to go. there were HUGE puddles on the roads and stuff.

in-n-out burger. it's a phenomenon only found in this western area of the united states, and everyone raves about it. the food is delivered fresh daily i guess, so it's really good, and the fries are cut there on site, not frozen... the menu hasn't changed in decades... so i tried it. and the first time i was like, "eh. s'alright." i wasn't really all that crazy about it though, and i didn't think i'd eat there again. then today, driving home (i drave past one every day to and from work) i drove past it, and the craving for it was so intense i thought i might cry if i didn't get any. so i got some (not like that, dirty minds) and it was good. but i think i still like mcdonald's better, at least as far as the burgers go. i don't know if it's the sauce or the way the lettuce tasts, but i can't decide if i like it or not. for those of you (michelle and hannah) who were in france with me, it's kind of like Quick. you know it's going to be gross, but you have this need to eat there anyway. the gross statement, of course, excludes "les cheesy," the best things i've ever had in my mouth.

i think my students need xanax. seriously. they got really stressed out over my new classroom arrangement and trying to decide on their new seat. the poor little lost souls.

i found out the other day that one of my students' mom is the president of the excalibur. yeah. the casino. he drives a mercedes. his answer to the writing prompt of, "what do you sense you're supposed to do before your life is over?" was that he is supposed to be rich, and since his mom is the pres. of the excalibur he's got connections (and this is a direct quote), "every were on the strip." i wanted to smack him and tell him that connections don't do much if you CAN'T SPELL WHERE CORRECTLY!!!! i think i'm going to tell my modern lit class (of which he is a member) that they need to bring me starbuck's every day. i don't think they'd care. they kind of offered to before and it embarassed me so i brushed it off. but now the exhaustion is starting to override the embarassment.

that's pretty much all i got. ...and i'm spent. i went to borders today because educators got 25% off of regularly priced items and i bought two books, which just may cement my status as a complete and total loser (if it wasn't cemented already): A Brief History of the Kings and Queens of Britian, and The Wives of Henry VIII. I would have bought the unbrief version of the kings and queens, but it wasn't there. i've decided that i have an unhealthy and unnatural obsession with the tudor era of british history. if i ever get a third masters, it will be in british history. (the first two are going to be in urban education, because it's free, and linguistics/philology. i'm just going to get lots of masterses and never a phd because i'm terrified of writing a doctoral thesis. i saw my grandpa's once. it was bound and probably about 500 pages. plus i'm faily certain that while i'm a fairly smart woman, i'm not really smart enought to get a doctorate and they'll know that... you like how this is the longest parentheses ever??)

and that's really all i got. i'm going to say that i'm going to go grade some papers. but i'll probably watch CSI and fall asleep on my couch...


Anonymous said...

Saradele, it would make me a lot LESS crazy, seeing as how you teach a breed of English and all, if you would PROOFREAD YOUR POSTS!! I know, I've got a little bit of the OCD, but that's what makes me special. Love you! A

Sarah Nolan said...

but my posts are pretty much steam of consciousness, and if i proofread them, it would defeat the purpose. and i'd probably erase half of what i write in any given post because i would decide it's stupid. but i'll try.