Thursday, October 20, 2005


here are some things that make me say "OH HELL NO!!!"

1. Oh hell no did Western Boone hire Rob Ramey as their new principal. ROB RAMEY!!! this was the man who taught me economics by showing the "mocha islands" videos (melons! get your fresh melons here!). i'm not sure he'd even TAKEN an econ course. i'm not joking. i can't put into words how terrible his class was. don't get me wrong: i liked it because it was easy and i got an A, but i didn't learn anything. i learned more about the economy from listening to my college roommate study for her exams. and some history lectures. call me crazy (you're crazy!) but i think that school administrators should have success as teachers before they are put in charge of the educations of several hundred students.

2. Oh hell no did i find a TROJAN MAGNUM CONDOM WRAPPER on my classroom floor today. it was empty. i did not touch it. i picked it up with another piece of paper and threw it away. then washed my hands. a surgeon's hands aren't that clean. ugh.

so here's a conversation that took place between me and one of my students today:

LIZA: "Miss nolan, do you want one of my school pictures?"
ME: "sure"
LIZA: "you could make a collage"
ME: "yep"
LIZA: "did you get school pictures"
ME: "yes"
LIZA: "can i have one? my dog needs a new chew toy"
ME: "but doesn't he already have your face? oh! i'm sorry! were you actually born that way?"
LIZA: "(silence, crickets chirping)... i can't think of any thing! sydnee, help me think of a comeback..."
she never thought of one. ms. nolan - 1, liza - 0
o'doyle rules.

so i downloaded (stole) mel brooks' history of the world: part 1 and i was really excited about it because it was free and i'd never seen it. and then i couldn't open the file on my computer. stupid free/stolen movies. you just can't get quality files anymore. what do they expect me to do? go to the blockbuster half a block away and rent it? no way mister!!!

remember that one time i used to prepare for the next day and try to be a good teacher? yeah. those were the times...

today is thursday. THAT MEANS ALIAS IS ON! and i know that vaughn isn't dead. he just can't be. no one that attractive is allowed to die on tv. i know this is short, but i just can't think of anything else.


Anonymous said...

OH HELL NO did i chop the pad of my thumb off with a butcher knife and then go to the hospital to recieve my $150 bandaid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c'mon! can't i at least have some sympathy we-drove-all-the-way-here-and-got-a-sitter-and-can't-go-home-without-em stitches? dangit!!! i'm a total turd!

Anonymous said...

So, your mother wants to know how to had time to clean your apartment, write in your blog, and still watch TV? It must not be as bad as your thought, or else you think in 9 weeks I have lost my sight for cleanliness, or I miss you so much that I won't care how your apartment looks. (Clue: the last choice is the right answer!!!

So, at 7a.m. this morning your computer handicapped mother got online and printed her own boarding pass for the flight tomorrow morning. I even got an "A" pass which means I will be in the first group to board which is really important for a person with my personality!!!

See you real soon!!!

Love, Mom