Sunday, October 16, 2005

tyring to make up for the last one...

i should be making lesson plans right now, but i'm procrastinating (what a shock, right). i know yesterday's post will worry some of you, and i'm sorry for that, but i needed to put it somewhere and it felt more legitimate putting it out there for other people to find. i really am okay. i just get pensive sometimes and that often leads to melencholy or whatever. or maybe philosophizing is just depressing--that's probably it.

today i was watching the natural on american movie classics (another means of procrasination) and i half paid attention because i was dozing in and out and messing around on my computer, but i asked myself the following question: what is it that makes robert redford so attractive? i looked it up, and he was born in 1939. that makes him... 67 years old. and he's still really attractive. i mean, if i saw him at a bar or something and he hit on me, i'd give him my number. AND HE'S SIXTY-SEVEN YEARS OLD!!! i think it might be the smile. or maybe a combination of the smile and the voice... and the eyes. and the slightly mussed hair. i dont' know. but he's attractive. and maybe it's because of the age, not DESPITE the age? anyone have any ideas?

here is a confession: today i spent two hours of my life, two hours that i will never get back, watching the e! true hollywood story of the hilton sisters. why? you ask. not because there was nothing else on tv, because there was. and i have a faily hefty collection of movies i could have watched. but no. i watched the story of the hilton sisters. did i mention that i don't even LIKE the hilton sisters?

i really must go lesson plan. at least for this week. at least sketch it out on paper and then type them tomorrow or something. whatever. i am happy though. mostly. and its just that when i'm not, i dont' have someone here to go talk to about it and get my mind off it and get over it. i spend a lot of time alone (which is okay) and the thoughts tend to tumble around like a dryer and until i get them out somehow they get more and more macabre. so i had to put them somewhere to make them stop. and they did and i'm okay. :)
love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, you did make up for the last one except for STOP WASTING TIME!!! Oh, well, you would expect your mother to say that wouldn't you?