Friday, October 21, 2005

i think i may have become an adult...

...and here's why:

1. it's 9:15 on friday night, i haven't left my apartment since 4:30, and i have no plans of leaving this evening. since 6:30, i have been cleaning my apartment. on a friday night. young-type people don't do that.

2. it was recently my birthday, and when i got my birthday money from my parents, my first thought was "ooh! now i can buy a new vacuum!!" i didn't think about shoes, or dvd's (i download those anyway) or clothes or even books. my first thought was of a new vacuum. sad.

okay, so those are the only reasons, but i think they're weighty enough. i won't be updating until tuesday at the earliest (no guarantees) because MY MOM IS COMING TO VISIT!!!!!! (i'm a little excited) she's coming in tomorrow morning, and then we get to spend all day with my key club students while they learn cheers for their fall rally in november. but, after that we have free tickets to go see mama mia at the mandalay bay, preceded by dinner (also free) at wolfgang puck's.

so tonight i had to do dishes IN MY BATHTUB because my kitchen sink has a leak, which i reported to the maintenence department on monday, and it hasn't yet been fixed. and that last sentence was a run on and i'm too lazy to try and fix it. i put a lot of the dishes in my dishwasher, but some of the bigger stuff (crock pot, mixing bowl, etc) i had to do by hand IN MY BATHTUB. seriously, how ghetto is that?? i can't wait until my lease is up in february.

well that's all i have. i just wanted to say something quickly, and now i'm going to go watch batman begins and probably fall asleep.


Anonymous said...

oh, girl!! when you get the new vacum (why doesn't that word look right?) and bring it home, you will have died and gone to heaven. the suction is THE BEST!! it will pick up, like, whole potato chips, mud clumps and even the extra sock you can't find a mate to and are too lazy to pick up and throw away (ok, the last one is a stretch, but don't judge me for trying that once). have fun with mom. don't get her too drunk. she'll make a fool out of you. miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Your mom must be really hard to please to put you through all that cleaning to get ready for her. However, she has cool friends to get you the free meal and the free tickets.

Since I know her very well, I can tell you that she has looked forward to this trip since she booked the airline tickets and will be sad when it is over.

Please be patient with her....she loves you very much and wants whatever is the very best for you!!!

Anonymous said...

dude, i asked my parents for a sweeper (i can never successfully spell the v i stopped trying) for christmas last year. you have NO idea how stoked i was when i unwrapped that bad maama jaama! i wish i was coming to vegas :( do you think your mom could fit me in her carry on? i miss you so much!! have fun with your mom. ~Adriane

my feet stink.....BAD