Sunday, October 02, 2005

i'm a blog slacker.

i would like to apologize for not posting since last week. i've been lazy. only excuse.

so last saturday night, i went out karaoke-ing with some people at the imperial palace, which is by far the divey-ist casino on the strip. of course, karaoke isn't really a "high class" pastime, so it was appropriate that the bar was was at that particular locale. i was going to sing, but by the time i'd figured out something to sing it was really late, and they wouldn't have called my name until really late and i didn't want to be there forever. we left around 2:00 or 2:30, pretty much after the security guards jumped this guy for an undetermined reason. it was crazy. all of a sudden there were 10 security guards and the next thing i knew the guy was on the floor and the manager was pushing our table out of the way (we were right next to the action) and this girl amanda that i met got hit in the head (i told her to sue the imperial palace and buy me a new car...but that might have been the beer talking). after all that happened, i decided that pancakes were necessary and there was a denny's right down the street.

we decided to go to the venetian to check it out before we went to denny's, because they're all kind of right together. at venetian, we went inside to check it out, and usher (THE usher) walked right past us! i was fairly unimpressed for a few reasons: 1) after working all summer at "the fancy hotel," walking past a celebrity doesn't make me crazy (unless it's orlando bloom, justin timberlake, etc)--i'd prefer to talk to them. 2) i was really more concerned with pancakes at denny's than pretty much anything else at the moment. 3) i'd developed a fairly severe case of ADD owing to exhaustion and alcohol. gwen (one of the people i was out with) had never seen a celebrity before and she decided that her life felt pretty unimpressive. there was a rumor that paris hilton was also in that particular club (the one usher was leaving) and there were crowds of people literally just hanging out outside the club with cameras waiting for someone famous to come out. i just wanted pancakes.

i told one of my key club students that i saw him (usher) and she asked why i didn't freak out and i kind of had to make something up about how i wasn't a very big fan or something, because i didn't want to say, "well ali, i was drunk, and only cared about denny's." that would not be good.

during my key club officer's meeting last week, my kids were looking through my ipod and told me that i was "hip" because i have cool music on my computer. i was happy.

key club was having a car wash yesterday, so i decided to make an appearance and decided that if i showed up with cookies, i would be the best club advisor ever. halfway through the cookies, i realized that i didn't have two ingredients, so i had to put the bowl in the fridge, take a shower, and run to walmart to make the rest of the cookies. they were a success, and i am now the coolest advisor at palo verde high school. yay me.

last night was the homecoming dance, and i went as a chaperone, so i did my hair all pretty-like and threw on a dress and scarf and was amazed that the dance. here are some things that shocked me:
1) a hummer limo in the parking lot. now, many of you know that i feel like the hummer limo is the white trash of the limo family--ostentatious, ridiculous, ugly.
2) BUSSES in the parking lot! some kids had rented a BUS. a FREAKING BUS!!
3) one of the students who was wearing a dress that literally looked like something julia roberts would have worn in the beginning of pretty woman--extremely short (i mean, a centimeter shorter and her ass would have been hanging out), VERY tight.
4) the shortness of the freshman boys
5) the freshman girls who looked older than me
6) the fact that one of my students said i looked "gorgeous." i mean, i did, but she didn't have to say that. :)
7) the searchlights that were in front of the school. i was following them looking for a new gas station and free hot dogs.

it was a good time. and my hair looked really good. i wanted to go out after, because i didn't want to waste my good hair and makeup, but i didn't have anyone to go out with. *tear*

i wore jeans to church today--it felt devious. i also wore a golf shirt, and yes friends, i did pop my collar.

yesterday at the car wash, sevral kids had slurpees and i decided to get one on the way home. i haven't had a slurpee in years and did you know they have a green apple flavor!! it's amazing! i think i might get another one today. addicive personality? perhaps.

breaking bonaduce makes me never want to get married. that probably means i should stop watching it, but unfortunately, it tv heroin and if i stop, i get dt's and will end up crying in the shower and i'd miss school tomorrow.

i think that's all i have for right now. i'll probably post some pictures later.

oh! one of the teachers in my department is married to a british man, and jokingly, i asked her if she could give me tips on how to marry a british man, because it is one of my goals in life, and she said there is an irish pub at the new york, new york where a lot of them hang out. i made a joke about marrying orlando bloom, and she said her husband is from near canterbury, where orlando bloom is from and her husband has friends who know him (orlando). so i figure we're practially engaged! i know someone who's husband knows someone who knows orlando bloom. i'm thinking next november for the wedding...


Anonymous said...

wow! congrats on the "engagment". and i like how it is a "goal" of yours to marry a british man. i used to think you had your priorities all mixed up. but, sarah, you have once again prooven me wrong. :O(

Anonymous said...

I am a blog reader slacker, so it's all good. I think November would be a lovely month for a wedding. Do you think it will be in Vegas, or in Mr. Bloom's hometown? Either is fine for me, because to me both locations = vacation.

As soon as I have more than 17 minutes of free time and $39 in spare cash, I am heading your way for a visit.

I need to find an alternative to keeping my blog "friends only" (without opening it up to the public) because that means you don't get to read up on the lack of excitment in my life, or see pictures of my hot ass.

Anonymous said...

Here are some of our pictures from the past few months:

They were intended for Matt's mom, so excuse the presentation. They had to be "parent safe". Just thought you'd want to see!