Wednesday, November 09, 2005

i took the pictures of sophie down because i had to put her to sleep a week ago. she had parvo and it was going to require hospitalization (which was going to cost $1000) and even at that she only had a 50% chance of survival. i have a friend whose parents dog had that and they did the hospitalization thing and he died anyway. so that's that. i had her for a week.

and i'm pathetic for not upating for about two weeks and i'm going to, but not tonight, because i've been falling asleep since about 7:00 and was staying up in case a couple of phone calls came in. but now, it's to bed, and then i have friday off (huzzah!) and i can sleep in. and then i got to six flags with 30 high school students... i'm really afraid that we'll leave someone there. to bed. good night.

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