Sunday, March 14, 2010

hazel eyed monster

I hate feeling jealous.

I tend to be a fairly jealous person by nature, and for the most part, I can control it and it doesn't really affect me. The things I'm jealous about are almost always petty and superficial, so I can talk myself out of those emotions before they get to be a problem.

Here's the situation: there's a guy I've known for a couple years that I've always had a bit of a crush on. He's really nice, and cute, and intelligent, and just an all-around good guy. There aren't many of those in Vegas. He was always off limits because he was with one of my female friends, and they've recently broken up, but he's still off limits, because they were together a long time and she's still one of my friends. Recently, another friend met this guy when we all went out one night. At the end of the evening, we were talking about how nice he is and I mentioned that I'd always had a tiny crush on him, but that I knew nothing could/would come of it, which sucks, but it's no big deal.

Well, now my friend is hanging out with him all the time. He came over one night and they worked on something that he had the tools for. They've gone out a few times. They talk and text all the time. Last night, we were all at a party and I saw them canoodle-ing at various points throughout the evening. It sucks, and it guts me every time. The mature part of me knows I'm being ridiculous, but the jealous, emotional side of me is just really upset that she's got this thing with him when she knows how I feel.

The worst part: he's never looked at me twice.


Reason #5,096,04,092 why I can't wait to get back to the midwest. Maybe I'll find a guy there that I have a snowball's chance in hell with.

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