Friday, March 03, 2006

so i found out the other day that one of my key club girls is bi. shock. not sure how i feel about it.

so as a part of my constant debilitating fear that my students will discover this, i spent aobut an hour the other day searching for my blog on here, and it's difficult to find, for one main reason: in the movie must love dogs, the main character's name is sarah nolan, which means that when you type in my name, you get a whole bunch of hits for that movie. i only found one of my posts on there when i referred to myself in the third person one time, and i only saw it because i knew what i was looking for. sigh of relief.

nbc, in their infinite wisdom, moved the show las vegas to friday nights at 9pm, which means i get to go to bed at 9pm on mondays, instead of 10pm because i'm an 80 year old woman. WHERE'S MY KNITTING BASKET!

i really hate it when people type in all caps. it makes me feel like they're yelling at me. and really, it's just laziness. they're too lazy to capitalize correctly (because that shift key is really far away) but they're still to caught up in the conventions of grammer to just buck the system and eliminate all capitalization (like me--i am above the petty teachings of the mrs. beck, elkin, dingman, and whatever the evil hell bitch in 8th grade was called). so, they just type in all caps and hope that it will all wash out, meanwhile leaving me curled up in the fetal position in the corner because i feel like i've done something bad.

i got bored earlier and was checking my friend heidi's myspace, when i started travelling through her friends to other people's friends and seeing people i went to high school with and WOW. there are a lot of losers i never wanted to see or hear from ever again. people i had successfully repressed just came back full force. some people it was cool to think of again. others...not so much.

i love my apartment.

it rained today and was windy and overcast. so pretty.

so on my account (don't judge--vegas is a difficult place to meet people) there is a place where you can click on whether or not things are turn-ons. there are about 15 or so, and they're predetermined, so you can't make up your own, but one of them is thunderstorms. they're cool and all, but a turn on? seriously.

so this week was battle of the sexes at my school. girls wore pink every day and boys wore blue. they counted how many of each were wearing the right color each day and there were contests at lunch (including one that involved touching as many people as possible on the head with a pickle in 30 seconds...i don't get it either). they also sold t-shirts that were blue and said "boy" and shirts that were pink and said "girl" and said "battle of the sexes on the back." they were actually pretty cute. anyway, one of my students said he was going to get black shirts with white writing with the word "man" on them. i told him it would be false advertising. i'm witty.

i found out today, that my modern lit kids thought i was going to be really mean the first day. i was all "laying down the law" and stuff and they all thought it was going to suck. some were thinking about transferring. i've lightened up significantly. today i gave them 20 minutes at the end of class because i didn't have anything planned. oops. i don't think they minded.

i was going to go to school tomorrow and get a ton of work done, because i like working at school, and i get more done there, but i remembered that the drama department is having some huge contest/conference there and they're using my room all day , so i can't. stupid drama.

remember when we were in high school and the word "thespians" was funny? high school students still think so.

i really want to get teacher of the month. i'm not sure what i have to do to get it, but i'm sure it involves lots of extra credit for no reason and maybe free candy. or clothes. or high school diplomas. grrrr

i'm spent. going to bed. yeah, it's 10:15 and i can barely stay awake. WHERE'S MY KNITTING BASKET!! i'm 80.

i suck at life.


Anonymous said...

oh, i've been meaning to tell you... you left your knitting basket at my house. but it's safe and sound in my crochet trunk... NOT KIDDING. i have a trunk full (an actual foot locker!!) of crochet hooks, yarn and patterns. so if you're an 80-year-old woman i'm a 90-year-old woman from 1942. and i went to bed last night at 10 also. but the 1942 90-year-old in me had already had a 2 and a half hour nap that day. so, TOP THAT, mamaw!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've been updating!

I need to call you and possibly buy a plane ticket.

Anonymous said...

No, you get the need for sleep from your mother who is in bed by 9p.m. every night (sometimes earlier) except for Friday (10p.m. and Sat. 10p.m.) So I guess if you and Heidi are 80 and90 then I must be 100 or more.

Felt like it yesterday....stayed home sick with flu-like symptoms.

So when I use proper capitilization does that bother you as well???

It is a hard habit to break.

Love, Mom