Wednesday, March 01, 2006

so here's a fun story:

last week was a four day week, because monday there was no school because it was president's day. so on tuesday when i got back to school, one of the students from my first period was absent. this kid hasn't been absent yet this year. so when he got back on thursday, i was like, "hey! you're alive!" and his response? "yeah, we got snowed in in aspen and couldn't get back here."

FREAKING ASPEN! seriously.

one of my students told me today that he was messing around on his computer last night and i guess there's this program on apple computers where you can search for people, and he said he put my name in and it came up with my address and phone number. CREEPY. first he just said he found me on the internet, and i was afraid he'd found my blog. i don't think any of THEM have found it yet, or if they have, they've done a surprisingly good job of keeping it a secret. i hope it's the former.

so i'm in my new apartment, and it's AMAZING. i mean, it's not amazing in the sense that it's an upper floor recently renovated rent controlled loft-turned-apartment in new york with an amazing view and a great location, but it's better than the previous place. here's a shocker: i've been putting off unpacking my kitchen for three days now. i suck at life. i'm actually going to do some tonight. even just a couple boxes would be good. and i know that once i start, i'll get a lot done and it won't really take that long, but my couch is so comfy...

i put a scarf over my fancy schmancy entertainment center (actually an old stereo case from which my dad removed the stereo--complete with lift up glass top for a turntable) to hide the extreme ghetto-ness of it until i can buy a nice armoire that i actually like and is in my budget and matches my living room, but now i can't see the clock on my VCR (yep, i'm modern with my VCR) so i have no visible clock in my living room, which is frustrating, because i take my watch off first thing when i come home. i went to target today to buy a new clock, because they have cute home stuff there and it's not arm and leg price range, but all the clocks they had were really modern, which is not my living room (dark wood, beige couch, pear green accents). there was one clock that would have worked, but it was the size of my dining room table (no, really) and it cost $50. i was thinking $20 price range. so i didn't get a clock. but, they have two ottomans that i like, and i really want an ottoman.

did i mention that i love my new apartment? it has FOUR closets! i could live in the closets alone! well, if i didn't want a bed, kitchen, bathroom or laundry facilities. kind of like college. i also have quite a large patio. and it's ungated. gated communities are really just more hassle than they're worth.

I BOUGHT PRIDE AND PREJUDICE YESTERDAY!!!! yes mom, i can afford it. brilliant! i watched it last night and it was amazing. i was smiling like a schoolgirl with a new ice cream cone while i watched it. i keep telling myself that i really am eliza bennett and there is a mr. darcy out there for me. i'm pretty sure he, coincidentally, looks like orlando bloom. or michael vartan. one of the two. i really didn't know how they would fit the story into a feature-length screenplay without cutting out some really important parts, but they did. it's amazing. and kiera knightly! i've loved her since bent it like beckham, but she's perfect as eliza. and the guy that plays mr. bingley!!! such a dork! just like in the BBC version. i just can't say enough good things.

i had a meeting with the learning strategist today (she observed me last week) and she told me that she didn't have anything negative really to say to me. which was a nice compliment.

my students actually like the play we're reading in american lit. strange.

my modern lit students want to read brave new world because one student who is reading it for his research project told them it's about drugs and sex. this is accurate. the rest of the class was intrigued.

i have to hang things on my walls. i'm not good at it. that is typically dad's job. he's got the hammer, and the the level, and the fancy non-rolling pencil. i'm sure i can do it, but it scares me. i have a series of fruit prints (13 framed pictures total) and i have to hang them and make them all look nice and stuff. scary.

i got a new green raincoat. so cute.

i have to teach tomorrow. have i planned yet? no, i have not.

so i'm going to go do that. or watch the daily show. we'll see.

hooray for updates!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, so this blog is going to get you into trouble. I STILL DO NOT HAVE YOUR ADDRESS AND YET YOU HAVE HAD TIME TO SIT AND WATCH A MOVIE THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY I yelling as I say this? (Yes, in my mind I am yelling.) And will I have sympathy for you if you are still not unpacked by April 5.....NO I WILL NOT.

However, I still love you and still miss you and still want to see your new place and you and Yes I am sure that I will help you do whatever you have still not done.

Love you a lot....Mom

Anonymous said...

wow mom, run on sentence much? ;)

loving all the updates saradele!