Sunday, November 13, 2005

i suck at life

i was going to do a pathetic non-update update where i just write about how sorry i am that i haven't updated and i decided to look at my blog first and i realized that i haven't really updated since my mom visited!! and that was forever ago! so i'm going to update. it won't be as long as other have been, but i will share some things. and i just finished writing a lesson about effective sentences for my modern lit class and i'm cringing at my writing. oh well.

it's gotten out that i have a blog, and i'm really worried some of my students will find it and know WAY too much about me as a result, but i'm willing to take that chance. i'm banking on the fact that they'll either be too lazy to read all of it, or too stupid to keep it a secret that they've found it. someone will let it slip and then i'll have to go into the blog witness protection program and change my url and write all my entries in some kind of code. actually, any word over about six letters whould be code to them, so i'll just become very close with my thesarus.

here's how cool i am. it's about 9:30 on a sunday, and am i watching desperate housewives like the rest of america? no (i've never watched it. i didn't watch it the first time it was called peyton place either). i'm watching masterpiece theatre on pbs. it's the story of elizabeth I, one of my heroes. i would love to name my first daughter elizabeth, but it's such an overused name, and i want to avoid those as much as possible. i might try to figure out a way to name her elizabeth and call her "iza," but we'll see what my future husband (orlando bloom, michael vartan) has to say about that. i was just flipping channels when i saw that it was on and i was going to tape it, but i dont' know how to record anything with my vcr. we've had dvr at home for so long, and i use my vcr so rarely anyway that i just don't know how it works. sad.

oooh! tomorrow is oprah's 20th aniversary show, and i'm sad to say that i plan to make sure that i'm home in time to watch it. i think oprah infuses some sort of hypnosis into her shows to make you want to watch more, and to make you want to do as she says. why else would everyone in america go buy three books by william faulkner this past summer? it saddens me to know that oprah is the moral compass of at least 56% of the US, and if she ran for president, would win by a landslide. it saddens me even more to know that i would probably vote for her.

every so often, i read other people's blogs and i realize that i'm not quite doing it correctly. everyone else uses them as a place to write their thoughts and feelings, and i just tell dumb stories about my students. so then i start to think, "should i talk about my feelings more?" but then i realize that you all don't care about that, and i like the idea of my feelings being private (no offense to any of you), and you all have feelings of your own to worry about; you don't need mine heaped up on you too. and then i feel okay.

mary just died. God save the queen. (i'm talking about the movie right now, in case i lost anyone) "This is the worlk of the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes." i think my favorite thing about the whole bloody mary/elizabeth I thing is that mary thought she was preggers, but it turned out to be a tumor!! haha! take that mary. serves you right for burning protestants. i would mention something about karma here, but anyone who's ever taken a south asian history class with manu bagavan knows that we use karma incorrectly most of the time, and while i can't remember what it really is (it's in my notes somewhere, but i'm not about to pull them out for you all), i now that it's not how most american's use it.

i saw the new pride and prejudice friday night. i'm not going to write much about it because i don't want to preform any opinions for those who haven't seen it (i hate it when people do that to me), but suffice it to say that i was smilng and giggling like a schoolgirl with pigtails 95% of the time.

so yesterday i spent the whole day at six flags in california with my key club. it went well. i enjoyed the rides. both of them. that's right. i rode two rides all day. *sigh* the woes of a chaperone/advisor. they have this new roller coaster called "extreme" where the seats spin end-over-end as well as the coaster being all over the place (i realize that was a terrible explanation, but i can't describe it without the use of my hands), and we waited in line FOR FOUR HOURS! it was a good ride, but no three minutes can be worth four hours of waiting. (insert some comment about sex here. i don't have any, for reasons we're all well aware of) after that i had just enough time to spend $10 on some fast food chinese (10 dollars!!) and meet my kids at the exit. there was a minor catastrophe about some wristbands that we didn't get but were supposed to, but i wasn't there for that and the other chaperone got up in someone's face about it and it was taken care of. (i was off buying a corndog at the time. i don't think she knows that...) i'm glad she was there, because i wouldn't have had the fortitude to get as angry as she did.

i don't like the way they portray elizabeth here. she seems very bitter and snotty. i like to think that the real one was not quite so bitchy. she was more like kate blanchett's portrayal in Elizabeth. she had her moments, but over all she was quite a peach. i used to think that i liked queen victoria a lot, but after reading a bio of her this summer, i realize that she didn't do much for feminism. she really played up the "i'm a helpless woman. i need a man to do it for me." she let her husband run everything until he died, and only then did she start to take control.

so here's my latest tv greivance. (yep. my life's so empty that i'm concerned about this) so, alias used to be on tnt (channel 18) at 6pm, which filled quite nicely the slot between gilmore girls on abc family at 5 and csi on spike tv at 7. well now, tnt changed their line up and alias is on at 4pm, which is fine, but that's the same time as oprah on channel 14, which isn't big deal, because i dont' watch oprah every day, and i've seen every episode of the first three seasons of alias (i own them). usually i opt for alias anyway, because michael vartan is HOTTTTT. but now i don't have anything to watch at 6pm. i could watch friends at 6 and that 70's show at 6:30, but they're not as good. and we all know i'm not going to turn the tv off. it's my best friend.

i was supposed to grade this weekend. i didn't.

i'm gong apartment shopping with gwen next weekend. she's told me that if she has anything to say about it, i'll be moving to the southwest side close to she and sean. we'll see. i'm looking into finding a condo that the owner wants to rent, because sometimes their cheaper, and the furnishings (kitchen and bathroom stuf) are usually nicer. keep your fingers crossed for granite contertops!!

i got nothing else. i will try to update again later this week, but my modern lit students are turning in essays tomorrow, so i can't guarantee that i'll have time. plus, tomorrow i have book club and tuesday afternoon/evening i have new teacher training (aka new teacher torture) and i'm giving a test on wednesday (probably with no essay--they've already written one over the book. mrs. elkin and mrs. beck would appaled if they knew) so who knows. luckily the test is already written. i've used another teacher's quizzes and study guides throughout the book--why not use her test as well!? so, i'm going to watch the last hour of masterpiece theatre (no worries--the rest on next sunday night) and go to bed. or i might just go to bed. we'll see.

ps. no boyfriend yet. no prospects. the guy in my book group / small group from church who seemed like an option doesn't seem highly compatible so far. gwen agrees with me (she's in the same book club). also, he seems to be interested in another girl in the group. my single status is still intact!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey! You might try working on capitalization in your writing....or haven't you gotten there yet in your classes.

Maybe at 6p.m. since there is nothing on TV you could cook a healthy dinner, or clean your apartment, or do schoolwork....just a couple of thoughts and I am sure you expected those from me!!!

Glad to know how you liked Pride and Prejudice at the movie....I forgot to ask you on Sunday night. Wish I could go apartment hunting with you. Maybe someday in another city!!!

Have a good week. I will be watching Oprah also and I also have never watced Desperate Housewives. (It is on too late for a pathetic person who has such an early wake-up.)

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

mom, don't you know that capitalization is saved only for formal letters/emails to people such as your boss, your grandpa who would have a heart attack at the sight of improper use of lower-cases and letters of resignation? duh!!! :o) and poor sophie!!! parvo is bad. and do you know what that $1000 would be paying for? an IV for a couple of days... that's it!!!! stupid over-priced veterinary care. i took calvin to the dr b/c he had some sores on his ears (grooming accident, long story) and a shot of cortizone and some topicals cost $150!!!!! dang!!! sorry for your loss. maybe next time you have an extra $15 you can go get a new shelter dog.

Anonymous said...

i'm in total agreement with heidi on the capitalization issue. OVERrated. i haven't gotten to see the new pride et prejudice yet...i doubt i will for a long time. i'm sorry to hear about made me extra sad :( i think we should talk to heidsters about her hospital/doctor/vet visits....this is the same girl that paid a billion dollars for a GREAT BIG BAND-AID (capital letters appropriate there) saradele, i miss you so much! i put a picture of the two of us up on my facebook. and my new profile picture is me with my giant spoon o' mashed taters. :D oh, here's a question for you...when somebody puts a comment on your blog, does it get sent to you? or do you have to check your blog? the things that torment my brain...

oh, and how does your mom feel about absolute lack of paragraph structure? that's just how i do :D talk to you soon!!! Adriane

Anonymous said...

"it's been a long time... we shouldn't've left you (left you)... without a dope beat to step to (step to, step to, step, step, step, step to, step to, freaky, freaky, baby girl, wha.)

this is just a subtle hint that it's been a long time since your last entry. thanks!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Heidi. Is this just a way to torment us? It is a very good thing that I am able to talk with you. I am very sorry that I mentioned the capitalization thing....I guess I am really old.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey dear, where ya been? I miss you! New post please!