Thursday, March 30, 2006

i really miss (some aspects) of college.

jerry bruckheimer needs a new haircut.

i'm getting a kitten tomorrow. (his name will be guillame le conquerant)

i'm going to central europe next summer (for free)

i may have a crush on a guy who works at my gym.


Anonymous said...

You realize that I will never be able to spell our new grandkitten's name....Is it spelled GUI for short or GEE or what???? I will need to know so that I can mark his Christmas gifts for him!!!!

Love you bunches....Mom

Anonymous said...

to hear niki nolan say "cristmas gifts" and "cat" in the same sentence is much funnier than anything i have seen all day.

i got the pics of guy (is that it?) and you do realize that he is the CUTEST CAT that has ever graced the planet Earth with it's presence, right? i mean, IDEAL appearance. white feet, stripes, white on the face... truly wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

no, seriously. now you're just slacking off. i know you're not busy right now. and i also happen to know that you are, in fact, feeling witty b/c of your response to my email. so WRITE A BLOG, DAMNIT!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Heidi, time for a new post to your blog. I have the old memorized by now!!!

Love, Mom