Sunday, March 05, 2006

my love for these is ridiculous...

1. First name?

2. Who were you named after?
A great-great grandmother. There might be another great in there somewhere...

3. Do you wish on stars?
I live in Vegas. Who can see stars?

4. When did you last cry?, when did I last cry? OH! Chrismas Eve eve, late late phone call to John, convulsive sobs, snot running down my face... Ugh, not the best night of my life.

5. Do you like your handwriting?
It's usually okay on the board in my classroom but on paper and whatnot, it's a mess. I tend to like it better when I write in pencil. Rollerball pens--forget it.

6. What is your favorite sandwich meat?
Roast beef.

7. What is your birth date?
October 6, 1981. What else happened that day? The president of Egypt was assassinated.

8. What is your most embarrassing moment?
So many to choose from...there was the time I accidentally drew a penis on the board in class...the time I passed out during lunch in 10th grade and the whole school (including Ben Biggerstaff) saw it...the time I fell asleep during Dead Man Walking in college and started moaning--loudly...pretty much all of junior high...I could go on forever.

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
not likely

10. Do you have a journal?
Yes. I write in it approximately 2 times a year.

11. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No. never. I've never ever in my life been sarcastic. Especially not in my classroom. Never.

12. What are your nicknames?
In college, Amber decided it would be funny to call me SARS. I wasn't as amused by it as she was.

13. Would you bungee jump?
Am I strapped to an extremely handsome man? Actually, it would be yes either way. About a year ago I just woke up one morning and REALLY wanted to go bungee jumping.

14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
hahahahahahahahahahahaha. No.

15. Do you think that you are strong?
Emotionally--yes. Physically--yes. Mentally--frequently. Psychologically--sometimes.

16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Founder's Favorite from Cold Stone.

17. Shoe Size?
11. Amber decided that "Bigfoot" was also a good nickname for me in college. Why am I friends with her again?

18. Red or pink?

19. What are your least favorite things about yourself?
Once in a while, I procrastinate. And sometimes, but rarely, I am the slightest bit untidy.

20. What do you miss most?
Saved by the Bell. Or my family. It's really a toss up.

21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back?
I'm pretty ambivalent. I just really like filling them out.

23. What are you listening to right now?
A commercial for DentalVille. Which reminds me that I need to go to the dentist.

24. Last thing you ate?
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream.

25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

26. What is the weather like right now?
Mid 50's and dark. But clear and slightly breezy.

27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Amber. for over an hour.

28. The first thing you notice about "someone"?

29. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Yes. And I miss talking to her. ANGIE--CALL ME SOMETIME!

30. Favorite Drink?
Diet Pepsi

31. Favorite Sport?
To play? Does tonsil hockey count? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyone who knows me knows I've never played that game. I like to watch...I can't lie. I don't like sports really. I'll go to games and watch stuff live, but on tv? Once in while I'll watch a cheerleading competition, or gymnastics, or ice skating. I'm such a girl.

32. Hair Color?

33. Eye Color?

34. Do you wear contacts?

35. Favorite Food?

36. Last Movie You Watched?
I'm currently watching Cruel Intentions on ABC family. Last one I watched on a DVD? PRIDE AND PREDJUICE!!!!

37 Favorite day of the Year?
So far in my life, it's been the last day of school, but from here on out, it'll probably be the last day of school...

38. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
Happy Endings

39. Summer Or Winter?
Winter. Good thing I moved to the desert...

40. Hugs OR Kisses?
Either. I'm desperate.

41. Dessert?
Yes please.

42. Who Is Most Likely To Respond?
Since it's a one. My mom will post a comment, and maybe Heidi, and perhaps Adriane, but other than that...few people.

43. Who Is Least Likely To Respond?

44. Living Arrangements?
I live by myself, but I'm going to be getting a cat soon.

45. What Books Are You Reading?
Inherit the Wind, The Stranger, Monster, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, The Wives of Henry VIII, Jude the Obscure, The Bible Jesus Read...I think that's it. The first three are books I'm reading with my classes at school.

46. What's the farthest you've been from home?

47. What Did You Watch Last Night?
The Italian Job. Jason Statham...yum.

48. Favorite Smells?
Apple cinnamon. Or coffee.

49. Favorite Sounds?
Little kids laughing. Specifically (that can't be spelled correctly) my nephews.

50. Favorite TV show?
Alias, Gilmore Girls, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, House, CSI, I LOVE TV!!!!

51. Favorite adult drink?
(Mom and dad, don't read this) Vodka Tonic

52. Do you have a special talent?
I can touch my nose with my tongue. And I'm a decent singer. And I can make a mean salad.

53. Who is one person from your past that you would love to see or speak to
Probably any of my grandparents. I wish I had asked them more questions.

54. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Neither. Unless one of them has become emo recently. I hate myself for loving emo.

Wow! Wasn't that fun? Well, I enjoyed it at least. Just think of all the fun and useful things you just learned about me.

Oooh! Discovered a new pizza place. Amazing.

I finally unpacked my kitchen, and moved the boxes that are full of my pantry stuff into the pantry closet and closed the door. So now that I can't see them, I can pretend that they're unpacked. HOORAY!


Anonymous said...

I am not sure which question to respond to, so I will just let you know that I wasn't hugely suprised by your answers. Glad we rank up there with Saved by the Bell!!!

Just because you cannot see unpacked boxes, or clutter, or dirty dishes, or dirty clothes, etc. etc. etc. does not mean that is is not there!!!!

Finish unpacking your pantry!!!!

Love, Mom (Less than one month until touchdown at LAS!!

Anonymous said...

i'm commenting just to keep your prediction accurate.