Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun Facts

Here are some fun facts about me, in no particular order. Bonus points for anyone who already knew all these!

  • My favorite Christmas carol is called "Myn Lyking." We sang it in college. It's a 15th century English choral song. Click here to listen on youtube.
  • I love new socks. When/if I ever become insanely rich, my weird rich person thing will be to only wear socks once. At any given moment, I have at least two pair of unworn socks in my sock drawer, just waiting for a day that calls for new socks.
  • If I could, I would wear ballet flats every day for the rest of my life. Or until they go out of style. Whichever comes first.
  • My favorite pet name is "dear heart." It's what Aslan calls Lucy in The Chronicles of Narnia and I always liked it. It's unique. Plus I like the idea of someone being dear to someone else's heart.
  • I think forehead kisses are the epitome of sweetness.
  • When I was in high school, I thought there was a conspiracy of the universe that always made me see the time 10:33 on the clock. In reality, I'm certain I didn't see it any more often than any other number, but because I was aware of it, it stuck out. For those of you who remember my first email address: carrottop_1033, that's where the number came from.
  • I hate the world "fabulous." I don't really have issue with the word itself, but I think it's overused. And there was a girl in England who used it all the time. I honestly think it was the only adjective she knew and after hearing it incessantly for several days/weeks/months, I wanted to stab her in the eye every time I heard it. Now it just grates on my nerves.
  • I pronounce both "r's" in February. I feel like they both need love. It's rude to just ignore the first one.
  • I like going to church on Saturday night for the following practical reasons: I can get a better parking spot, there are fewer people there, so I don't have to sit close to strangers, I get to sleep in on Sunday morning as well as Saturday morning, I don't like people who aren't church regulars who come to church on Sunday morning and don't behave like I would like them to, church is early enough in the day (4pm) I can still go out and do something on Saturday night.
  • I love going to "serious" movies alone so that when I'm walking out afterward, no one asks me, "Did you like it?" I don't know! I just saw it four minutes ago. Give me some time to process. Sheesh!
  • I do months of research before I buy any new electronics device. The only one I didn't do research on was my phone, which I don't like all that much.
  • I rarely download ringtones for my phone because I have trouble deciding which song really defines me. It can't merely be a song that I like. I feel like a person's ringtone is a doorway into their psyche, and I worry what my ringtone is saying about me. Right now it's the theme song from How I Met Your Mother. It took me five years of watching the show faithfully (religiously) and owning all the seasons that are currently available for me to make that commitment.
  • I love sleeping on my stomach, and I have serious concerns about my lack of ability to do that when/if I ever get pregnant.
  • I love washing my hair, but hate drying/curling/straightening it. It's a cruel paradox.
  • I hate paradoxes, which in itself is paradoxical, because I suffer from several. See above.
  • I am, at any given moment, planning my wedding. It might not be conscious, but it's always sort of running in the background. I have been doing this since I was about four. Ask my mom.
  • I love coming up with theories about things. For example, I have a theory that people who like cold weather were likely born in the fall/winter, and people who like warm weather were born in spring/summer. This theory has been proven wrong on multiple occasions, but I like to think that those are the exceptions that prove the rule.
  • At least half of the funny things I say are stolen from TV shows and movies that are obscure enough that most people don't notice that they're rip-offs. When I watch TV and movies, I take note of lines that I like, then I steal them and use them. Most people just think I'm really funny. I'm not. I just don't respect intellectual copyright laws.
  • I once accidentally stole some eye shadow in France by absentmindedly putting it in my coat pocket when I was shopping (I went to pick up something else and put it in there), and when I found it three days later I felt horribly guilty, but the idea of trying to explain what happened in French and my fear of being deported kept me from returning it. It was two colors: silver and gold glitter, and it was my favorite "going out" eyeshadow for about three years. I miss it.
  • My sophomore year of college, I developed a severe phobia of halitosis and a subsequent addiction to Ice Breakers Hot Cinnamon gum, which was not sugar free. That summer, I learned I had three cavities. I have only chewed sugar-free gum since then.
  • My favorite season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is season 7, even though Buffy's hair is in a ponytail most of the season and it drives me CRAZY.
  • I have a really dirty mind as a direct result of teaching high school. I have to think ahead of my students so that I don't say anything that might be construed as dirty, so I have to try and think dirtier than a room full of 16 year old boys. I'm not joking, I can make anything sexual.
  • I think ears are gross. I don't like people touching mine, and the idea of nibbling on someone's ear (which is apparently sensual or something) makes my stomach turn.
  • When I was four, I had a crush on Mr. T. We watched a lot of A-Team in my house, and I thought he was just the coolest, which is as close to a crush as a four year old gets, I think.
  • I think, write, and speak in sentence fragments. Like this.
  • I have never read a book by Charles Dickens. Ever. I think I read one page of A Tale of Two Cities once, and quickly put that one down.
  • I like to self-diagnose. I'm fully convinced that I have ADD, a mild case of dyslexia, ingrown toenails, and anxiety attacks.
  • I hate writing the number eight and the letter K. Thankfully, my name and birthdate don't contain either of those.
  • When I was little (say, five?) my favorite record was Barbie on the Farm (or something), and I would sing along with it while holding my Lego microphone (the only thing I ever made out of Legos). It was the story of how Barbie goes to a farm/ranch and she has a horse that she rides named Dallas, and there's a terrible storm one night and Dallas somehow gets out of the barn. On side B, Barbie sings a song called "Dallas Come Home" as she searches for him (her?). She eventually finds her horse and all is well. The record begins and ends with a remake of John Denver's "Thank God I'm a Country Boy," which was been retooled to say "Thank God I'm a Country Girl." Clever right? At that age, I wasn't quite clear on the rules of blasphemy, what exactly counted as taking God's name in vain, but I was pretty sure that if you said God's name in any context other than prayer you would go to hell when you died, so when I sang along to that song (into my Lego microphone) I would change the words to "Thank Gosh I'm a Country Girl."
You're welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read your recent blog....you always (almost) make me laugh!! I can sit here and hear your singing about Dallas with the record!! Maybe you should name your first son "Dallas"?? 10 more days....