Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the amazing thing is...

someone, somewhere in history, had the idea to pour milk over pieces of grain or whatever and call it cereal. brilliant. those of you who know me at all know that i could not live without cereal. i honestly can't imagine my life without it. there's just nothing like it.

so i went home for three weeks. hijinks ensued.

my friend lindsay got married (hooray mrs. lovell!) how was jamaica by the way? and a trip to cedar point was planned as sort of a pre-bachelorette party. we all drove up friday night, stayed the night in a hotel, went to the park the next day, left at closing and drove home. now, close your eyes and imagine with me: we're getting ready to leave on friday night, around 6:30 or so, and as we're heading out to the car, i ask which way we're going. someone mentions that we were going to take I65 south to indianapolis, I-465 across to I-69 and then up to ohio. if you live in the central indiana area, you know that that's a little out of the way, so i suggested that we take state road 32 across to I-69, which was a little more straightforward. i knew that 32 was a two-lane highway, and i knew it might be a little slower, but i figured that it would be better that dealing with friday night rush hour traffic on the interstate. before i continue, i would like to point out that no one argued with me, or offereed any other suggestions. they all just agreed with me. my "shortcut" added at least two hours to our trip. i felt really bad. and then, to add insult to a very hungry and cranky injury, traffic was still backed up on I-69 because of construction. we got to our hotel super late. then heidi tried to give me a seizure by putting a flashing light ring in my face just as i was falling asleep.

the next morning, after a refreshing six hours of sleep, we all got up and went to breakfast, which might have been the worst hotel continental breakfast of my life. i'm pretty much an authority on hotel breakfasts, too. my family doesn't stay at a hotel unless there's a continental breakfast. they had cereal, so i was okay, but the rest of it was pretty slim pickings. lauren was wearing a tee-shirt that said "dry campus" on the front, and then "my ass (#1 party school in the country)" on the back. it was in regards to IU a few years ago when they got that particular award. of course, this prompted us to make the decision to call lauren "my ass" for the rest of the day. this lead to many memorable statements, including (but not limited to):
  • my ass wants a funnel cake.
  • my ass is in for the ride of her life
  • my ass likes it fast and in the dark (in reference to riding roller coasters at night)
  • my ass wants some hot nuts (in reference to roasted nuts being sold at a concession cart)
  • my ass will not shut her mouth
you get the idea. it's probably not funny to anyone but us, but we thought it was hysterical. around lunchtime, we were standing in line to get the most overpriced yet disgusting pizza of my life when this old guy with approximately 2.78 teeth started telling lauren that he liked her shirt, and that he agreed with it (meaning that she had a nice ass). when she ignored him, he moved on to christa, going so far as to tell her that he liked her nail polish. he was pretty drunk, and really really really gross. i'm also an authority on gross. i worked at a truck stop.

it was a fun day. near the end we decided to ride the magnum and pose for the cameras, so we spent at least 30 minutes deciding what pose we were all going to do, and then we asked the ride operator where the cameras were. he said they were in the third tunnel. as we raced through the first two tunnels, lindsay was up frong yelling "first tunnel! practice positions!!" and then "second tunnel! practice positions!" as we were approaching the third tunnel and were all moving into position, the cameras went off, because they are placed BEFORE the third tunnel, not IN the third tunnel (this is why prepositions are important boys and girls) so we got a bunch of pictures of us looking extremely stupid in mid pose. we decided we had no other choice but to ride it again, this time posing before the third tunnel. the pictures are pretty sweet. we were going down a hill, so my boobs look ENORMOUS. if you're ever at my house, ask to see them. i'd put them on here, but i don't have digital copies.

well, this is short but i want to go to bed, so i'll continue the story of the hijinks during my stay at home at another time.

by the way, saw pirates of the caribbean 2 tonight, and have decided that i will marry the man who uses the following pickup line on me: "You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin." (joking mom, don't get worried). is anyone besides me glad that they live in a world where johnny depp is alive and


Anonymous said...

well, it appears by the lack of comments that everyone has given up on your blog... and deservedly so. c'mon. i'm a pregnant stay-at-home mom and my blog is still up-to-date. i'll expect more from you. maybe you should send an email out letting everyone know that for one glimmer of a moment you stopped being a slacker and updated.

Anonymous said...

Good job!! Guilt still works on you doesn't it??? I spent the last 1 1/2 hours looking at the wedding pics. Thanks for forwarding them to me. Since our computer works at candle light speed, it took a long time for each pic to load. Enjoyed them. What a great night it was. Looking forward to more entries....soon I hope!!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of the blog and the comments is that your mom used the phrase "our computer works at candle light speed." my new favorite! hahahaha