Friday, April 21, 2006

the obnoxious thing is when you have an underwire poking you in the boob....

...which, thankfully, is not happening to me at this moment. i just thought i'd share.

sorry sorry sorry sorry. i haven't posted in a while. here are my lame excuses:

1. i have been very tired, because i work very hard.

2. i got a new "big ass tv," and moved my computer into my bedroom, at the opposite end of the house from said "big ass tv," and it's hard to tear myself away.

3. this week has been stupid

4. spring break. i didn't have time when my parents were here, and was just too damn lazy after they left

5. i didn't have anything to write about???

6. i suck at life.

now that i have a big ass tv, i realize how small my 13' was. incredible!! i did, in fact, get a kitten. he's currently attacking my feet. not fun. but he's super cute, if really hyper, but he'll grow out of that (hopefully)

today was my day to take lunch for my department, and i was nervous, becuause i'm like my mother. will they like the food? i was especially worried beause last time, i took turkey vegetable soup, and this time, i took hot turkey sandwhiches, and i didn't want to be the "turkey girl." but everyone liked it ( or at least they acted like it). and i made the ever-popular natalie nolan payday bars, and they were a hit in NV also.

one of the (many) reasons why i'm a loser: What a Girl Wants is on nickelodeon, starring Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth, and i'm watching it. this is a movie aimed at 13 year old girls, and i've got a decade on them. i'm so cool. new casino opened this week about a mile from my school. so my attendance will plummet, because there's somewhere really cool to go. oh well. if they want to fail my class, that's their decision.

now guy (the kitten) is perched on my shoulder, digging his claws into my upper chest. lovely. and now he's licking my ear. and biting my hair. he's darling. and a tad annoying. and he's about to attack my hands because, well, they're moving. and he assumes that anything which moves MUST BE KILLED.

fyi: RV, the new movie with robin williams, might be the most horrible idea for a movie, ever. how many jokes can they get out of "suburban guy rents an RV for his family vacation. hijinks ensue." i mean, seriously. this is the man who did "mork and mindy" and good morning vietnam, and now he's doing cheesy high-concept family comedy? how the mighty have fallen.

i love colin firth. if he wasn't old enough to be my father, i'd stalk him. i might stalk him anyway.

i have exsema (i don't konw how to spell it), which means that i have an excuse to buy aveeno lotion, finally. hooray. but not about the exsema part.

*****Just so you know, i started this friday evening, and didnt' finish it, so i'm finishing it tonight, sunday. sorry if the timing is wierd.

i hate paying bills. i always feel very very poor.

last night, i went out with some friends. actually, it was a giant group of people, and my friends sean and gwen knew about four of them, but we went out with them for the evening. we went to tao, which is one of the new "it clubs" on the strip. it's at the venetian. anyway, we went in, and it was pretty cool--it's a buddhist theme but the music was good and it was really big. i was looking around and there was a video screen and it said "happy birthday stavros" on it. i didn't think much of it, because i figured someone rich was having a party in the vip section. so a little while later, they bring out a cake for this stavros person and we pretty much ignored it until i heard a voice and it sounded familiar and it was paris hilton. stavros is her boyfriend. she was at the same club as me last night. a cople of the girls who were in our group got their picture taken with her. i never got really close becuase she was on the other side of the dance floor and it was waaay too crowded to get over there, but i was able to see her. it was strange.

i got home at four this morning and got up at noon, then spent all day on the couch grading research papers. they're not finished yet. they won't ever be finihsed. i will be grading these papers until the end of time, i think.

i clipped guy's front claws today, and they're much less painful, which is nice.

i think that's about all i got. i'm going to try and go to bed early tonight. we'll see how well it works. i'll try to update more often.

oh! real quick--alias is back on--final five episodes and VAUGHN IS ALIVE!!! i knew he was alive. no one that hot is allowed to die on network tv. i'm pretty sure it's in the "secret handbook for network tv presidents" that' i'm not supposed to know about. crap. now they're going to kill me for telling their secret. it's been nice knowing you all.

love, sarah


Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read this. If the tv guys kill you, will someone let us know so we can take care of Guy? Do you have us listed as the legal guardians in your will in case something happens to you? I miss that little guy.

So, how is the paper grading going? Get used to feeling poor, it is a way of life but after awhile it gets easier to deal with.

Dad and I love you and miss you!!!

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

so the other day i was like "hey, if i die, i have friends that would never know because we don't have mutual friends that would call and tell them!" and i was mildly distressed. so, since the tv guys really kill you, i hope somebody finds you and calls your mom. and, if i ever die, i would really appreciate it if you would go through my cell phone and call everyone to let them know. you know, just as a courtesy. i figure, after the first few, it won't be so bad...

i went to the canterbury last night for drinks with david...the hot british guy i met last year...and everyone was asking about you. robin and deb both say hi and they're so glad to hear you're doing well. and while that's all well and good that they miss you, they've got NOTHING on me. i miss you like whoa. wish i could afford to come out and see you. maybe when you're in town for lindsey's wedding we can grab lunch at aristocrats or something. and i have to be really careful whenever i'm telling people that i really like that restaurant because every time, without fail, it is Les Aristochats in my head...good thing it almost never makes it to my mouth like that. :)

glad you finally posted. LOVE YOU!!! MISS YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

and ""since the tv guys really kill you" should be "when the tv guys really kill you"