Sunday, January 08, 2006

they should rename the USA channel the law and order channel...

because everytime i turn on channel 34 (USA network) there is an episode of law and order on. other channels at least make an effort to show other stuff sometimes. not usa. once in a while they'll show an episode of monk or something, but the rest of the time it's law and order. and i don't really like law and order, so it doesn't work very well for me...

i went to linens-n-things last night to try and spend a gift card on some towels that actually match my bathroom (because mine are yellow, pink, and maroon in a bathroom that's silver, black, and white). i had to leave without buying anything because the selection was overwhelming. i called my mom today and we figured out what i'm going to buy and how i'm going to arrange the towels. i feel better. i'm going back tomorrow.

i went apartment hunting today and found a couple that i like. there are a few more that weren't open that i'll have to revisit this week. i'm hopeful. the last time i went i was mostly on the south side of time, and this time i stayed north, and they are A LOT cheaper up here. and a lot of them don't charge any extra for pets per month which is cool.

so i was watching gilmore girls this week and it was the episode where rory goes off to college and it got me thinking (which is either pathetic or impressive. impressive that i can use anything, even gilmore girls to stimulate profound thoughts; or pathetic that i was watching that instead of reading the new yorker or something). there are a lot of big moments in life. some you don't remember: birth, first steps, first words, potty training, etc. and some you think will be a big deal, but they're too quick: college graduation (3.7 seconds walking across stage), high school graduation, getting your first job, first paycheck, first kiss etc. some actually have the weight you expect, but the circumstances make it so that they don't feel like you think they should. for example, when mom and dad left me here in las vegas, i should have felt strange or cried or something, but i had to immediately deal with las vegas airport traffic and so my focus was directed elsewhere.

anyway, in that episode there's the moment when rory hugs her mom goodbye and her mom leaves and she walks into her dorm room alone. i remembered that moment. it's really a busy day. you get there and you have to move all your stuff up three flights of stairs and you meet your roommate and you have to rearrange the room four different ways to get it all to fit and then you have to figure out how to fit all your clothes in the absurdly small dresser they give you and you have to make your bed and get some lunch and then you go to a meeting and your parents go to a meeting and you have to do all these things all day and then, all of a sudden, you go out to your parents car and they drive away and you don't and you walk back to your dorm room and sit down and that's it. and i don't care how far away your college is, it's a weird moment. because, for the first time, you're not living at home. and it's sad. before i went to college, i had traveled, i had gone to camp for one or two weeks at a time, i had been apart from them and i had never been homesick. and that day i was so homesick. the first time i called home a couple days later i cried a little. it was just really bizarre to go back to my room and not have it be upstairs from my parents in the kitchen. and i don't really know how to explain it, and it's something that anyone who has moved away to college like that will understand. you just have this huge feeling of "i'm older now. nothing will every be exactly like it was."

i saw the cutest dog today. chow and akita mix. 9 lbs. tan. so sweet. i want one.

i'm excited because it's almost tax season and i think i'm getting rebate this year. at least i hope i am. we'll see.

so there is a website called (it's in the new all american rejects video "dirty little secret") and the whole point is that people put secrets on anonymous postcards and mail them to an address and then this guy has a website out of them. it's amazing. i suggest checking it out. there is also a book and i bought it last night. it's amazing. in the 10 minutes i looked through it in the store, i found at least 4 secrets that i share. some are funny, some are serious, but they're just so amazing. they're these little pieces of someone's life that they share with the world. best $20 i ever spent.

i'm thinking about dropping cable, because it causes me to waste so much time, but i know i'll mist abc family and hgtv. and vh1. and tbs. the thing is, the tv is my friend; the person who talks to me in the evening when i'm here alone and without it my apartment would be very quiet and sad. and i would have no friends. but i would get a lot more done. i would read more, i would play the piano more, etc.

i don't watch the OC. i never have. i saw it the first time when it was called 90210. but i do watch fox sometimes and i've noticed that they've introed a new character who is marissa's sister and is "the bad girl." which is something they also did on 90210. remember tiffany amber theissen as valerie? bad girl. and just a question: i seem to remember brenda and brandon's parents dying in a horrific car wreck or something? please let me know if that's correct.

i think that's all i got for now. i'm going to watch extreme makeover: home edition and go to bed. another 4-day school week this week. man, my life is tough... (that was for you mom)


Anonymous said...

Yes, four day week are tough....but I am much closer to beginning those kinds of weeks on a permenant basis than you are!!!!I know that was cruet.

I never knew that you were homesick at college. I really do learn something new every day.

The dog sounds cute...are you back to a dog in the dog vs. cat decision?

The TV/cabel decision has merit on both sides. You may want to wait to see how the choir thing and Bible study thing work out and just how much free time you really will have once you begin with more acitivites in your free time. Or you may want to try and use more discipline (sorry to use the "d-word" and keep the cable and see how you can monitor yourself and free time. You and Dad have the TV thing in common, I don't.

It was fun talking with you about the towels....I told Dad that I wish I was close enought to go with you and have the fun of doing it together. The apartment shopping is something else that I would enjoy doing with you, but I am very thankful for Gwen and the imput she is able to give you.

I miss you, but am doing better with your leaving this time than I thought I would. I am trying to focus more on Dad and I and realize that we really are empty-nesters and that I am supposed to be happy and excited about it. I still miss you, but not to the point of tearing up. Knowing that you are happy(for the most part) and becoming more acclimated to your new life helps.

It was great to have you home for two whole weeks and I have began looking for "deals" for our trip to you in April. I am checking the dates from Arp. 6 to Apr. 11. Will that work for you? We will stay at the timeshare and you can have a vacation from your appartament if you wish.

Gotta go....

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

hellooooooo! horrific car accident was party of five. and caitlin cooper, marissa's little sister, was there from the beginning, but when the divorce started to get really ugly they sent her off to boarding school. now she's back permenantly and causing a ROUCUS! sorry, i don't know how to spell that word and won't exert the enerty to try that much. so, somebody (asher) said the sweetest thing about me in his blog...
"We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot
more information in our heads."

I had two potentials flowers blossom in my life at similar times, one of them closer to home. I took the path of least resistance and went with her. We became/stayed friends. The other, we're friends, but she did indeed blossom, someone else picked her.

it kinda, for six seconds, made me feel bad, but then i realized it was his fault for not choosing me in the first place...right?!

i miss you oodles and wish i wasn't the poorest girl alive so that i could come out there and see you. i was watching vh1's fabulous life of las vegas or something stupid like that. and i kept thinking how much i want to go out there, but not for the bars, casinos, hotels, and potential celebrity sightings...but to see you :( i miss you so much. take care.
keep the cable, get the dog, don't get white me.


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahah!! so, i forgot to delete the first part that i copied and pasted!! hahaha, but that's still a funny quote that my grandmother sent me...then the one that asher wrote. i really should proof read! haha, that wouldn't be nice if that's what asher said AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! when i read A's comment i was like, "is that really a compliment?... maybe i should give her a compliment if she thinks that's nice."

ok, p.s. chows and akitas are both alaskan dogs. las vegas and alaska are very different in climate. they are both larger dogs as well and will need LOTS of exercise and might not be quite the apartment dog. unless you like to run with a dog. in which case you should be prepared for them to walk about 5 steps from your house in the summer and collapse b/c it's so hot. and in which case they would go back inside and shred your couch due to lack of exercise. just so you know... my 2 cents. get a little dog for apartment life.

i miss you!!!