Tuesday, January 03, 2006

i'm stole this. it's what teachers do.

my friend heidi sent this to me in an email and she stole it from another friend's blog, so i'm just perpetuating the cycle... here goes!!

my uncle once: scared me. a lot. and by "once" i mean "every time i saw him." he was just very loud and boisterous and always called me "sweetie" (his petname for every female he ever encountered) or maybe it was "baby." or "honey." or all three. but anyway, he's a super nice guy, but when i was little i was shy (shock!!) and he always came in yelling happily and kissing me on the cheek and it was a little bit scary. i'm not scared of him anymore.

the one person who drives me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: probably my mom. i love her and she's my best friend, but she likes to mother me. a lot. i guess she earned it around the time she squeezed me out of her vagina, but it drives me nuts sometimes. but then she does something really awesome and it's all good.

high school was: fun. excruciating. boring. hard. too long. too short. the worst four years of my live. the average four years of my life. not the best four years of my life. not like saved by the bell. absurd. dramatic. lonely. busy. this could go on forever, but high school was what it was. nothing more, nothing less. i have very mixed emotions about it and i've not sorted them all out yet. it's still too fresh of a wound.

my first real love was: jonathan brandis?

if i were to get married right now, my bridesmaids would be: how can i possibly answer this without offending someone? i refuse. and what's the point of thinking about an event 50 years in the future?

i talk to my ex: haha. very funny.

last Christmas I: " gave you my heart. the very next day, you gave it away." no, seriously, i thought i would never make it through student teaching and the concept of having a job as a teacher was almost unfathomable. actually, that last part is still true...

when i turn my head left i see: my filing cabinet, my wall, and a magnet for an insurance agent that i never called, which reminds me that i need to buy magnets for my classroom. and a pile of paid bills. stupid bills.

when i turn my head right i see: my tv, couch, movies, piano, front door, two pairs of shoes, a wall thing for my kitchen that i bought in november and have yet to put up, two empty soda cans... is that enough? because i can keep going...

the craziest family event was: if you've met my family, you understand the futility of this question. they're all crazy.

if i was a charater on friends, i'd be: i hate to admit it, but probably ross. boring, neurotic, loser-ish, nerdy...

by this time next year: well let's go with the old standby for shits and giggles: BOYFRIEND!!

you know i "like" you if: i pick on you. i've never quite left that realm of 2nd grade. but if i'm mean to you, i like you.

if i won an award, the first person/people i'd thank would be: my parents. or my boyfriend, orlando bloom.

take my advice: don't go to the las vegas strip for new year's eve. it's not worth the brushes with death.

my ideal breakfast is: have you seen pretty woman? that, except substitute orlando bloom for richard gere. and i'm not a hooker. and he's not more into his work than me. and i have better hair. and i don't eat a plain pancake with my fingers. you know, exactly the same thing.

if you visit my hometown: don't go to the park after sundown. it's a rough place.

if you spent the night at my house: you'd get the couch, because that's just how fancy i am. with the sheets from my bed in college.

i'd stop my wedding if: orlando bloom called me and expressed his undying love...

the world could do without: the lifetime network. no one has that much estrogen. wait, correction: no one should have that much estrogen.

my favorite blonde is: there are two: tyler and trevor-- THE CUTEST KIDS EVER!!

paper clips are more useful than: the security tape they put on cd's and dvd's. i'm pretty sure they only purpose it serves is to drive m crazy and make it so i have to wait 15 minutes to listen to a new cd. bastards.

if i could do anything well, i would: dance. or write. or figure skate. or diet. whatever.

and by the way: who decided that chocolate needed to have 12 billion calories per serving? i mean, it's a necessary food group (i would argue it's more important than the starches) but i have to feel guilty every time i eat it. bollocks!!

once, at a bar: i kissed i guy i'd never talked to because it was my 23rd birthday and i was still a kissing virgin and my friends convinced me that it was a good idea and he slobbered all over me and put his number in my cell phone. i called him a couple weeks later and he never called back then dated my friend. AWKWARD.

las night: i watched arrested development and went to bed. mi vida loca.

there's a girl i know who: failed organic chemistry once and barely passed it the second time, got c's and d's in all her science classes and still thought she would get into medical school.

if you actually read this, you: need to get a life. face it people: i'm not that interesting.

if i ever go back to school, i'll: when i go back i'll get my masters in either: education, linguistics, literature, or british history. or maybe all four.

next time i go to church: i'll again be shocked and awed at how big it is.

my birthday is: october 6th. and generally a letdown.

have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex: i think i took baths with my brothers when i was a baby... as if you all didn't know that answer already.

have you ever brused your teeth in the shower? i dont' think so. it just feels wrong to brush my teeth with hot water.

how old do you look? younger than most of my students, so 15. no, seriously, probably a bout 21 or so.

What's the last song you sang? i think it was "breathe" in the car today.

do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? i don't kiss. because i'm pathetic.

are you in love with anyone right now? myself.

does anything on your body itch right now? my arm, but it only started itching when i typed this.

have you ever had a member of the opposite sex in your room? yes. i'm a virgin, not a puritan.

are you more creative alone or with other people? a little of both. but i think best out loud.

do you end up making a fool of yourself when you try to flirt with someone? usually.

do you exercise before you eat in the morning? i get up at five as it is. i refuse to get up at 4 so that i can exercise.

is it better to be single or in a relationship? like i know.

where/when will the next vacation be? there was talk of going to south korea this summer with my parents to visit my brother, but i don't think i'll be able to afford it. so probably to indiana in the summer to see the fam and be in lindsay's wedding.

do you talk in your sleep? i dont' think so. sometimes when i take naps and i'm not sleeping very deeply i moan. anyone remember the episode from college when we were watching dead man walking??? good times.

name one random fact about yourself: i have a blue freckle on my leg. and when i was in the first grade, i played a bunny in the chrismast musical and i got to stand on stage during one song and i peed my pants right before it started. i had to stand on stage and pose so that people couldn't see the big pee spot on my pink bunny costume (which was a pink sweatsuit). not my best moment.

if you could "take back" your virginity from your first partner, would you? blah.

would you prefer the lights on or off during sex? by the time i get to that particular activity, i won't care. i just can't wait to have sex.

would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex for financial reasons? no.

is the male or female body closer to perfection? female. have you seen the male body? i really think the penis was an afterthought. god looked at man, and realized that something was missing and just threw it on there where there was a free spot. not attractive.

would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? it would depend on whether or not he was michael vartan.

generally, in life, what makes you happy? family, friends, coziness, teaching, learning, so many things. the fact that my key club kids ran toward me and gave me hugs this morning. when my nephews laugh at my jokes (of course, they also laugh at the word booger, so it's not such a big deal). looking out the window as my plane lands in indy. looking out the window as my plane lands in las vegas. the fact that elizabeth and darcy always get together.

How well do you handle criticism? i'd say fairly well. but i tend to agonize over it. i'm one of those crazy overachievers.

would you like to date someone a lot poorer than you? interesting wording there. would i like to? well it's not something i hope and dream about, but i would, depending on the situation.

when fooling around with someone, do you sometimes have fantasies of other people? oh yeah. all the time.

is it possible for a fuller-figured woman to be as attractive as a thinner woman? i'd like to think so. other wise i'll die a virgin.

you've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and s/he has been kind enough to cough up a number. how long do you wait to call? at least a week. probably 6 days, so it's not right away, but it's not obvious that i've waited a week. it just seems like i casually decided to call.

would you have a "happy button" installed on your body, connected to your brain, which would instantly make you very happy whenever you pressed it? they did that with rats, and they died. so no. it's the tir na nog thing: without sorrow you can't ever know great joy.

what's sexiest on a woman/man? any attraction to me. and good hair. and a nice big... brain. DON'T BE DIRTY!!

would you rather marry a virgin or someone experienced? i would like to marry a virgin, but i realize that's fairly unlikely considering my age and the current sexual climate.

have you ever had a one-night stand? ha.

is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? loved and lost. i think. i'm not speaking from experience here or anything, but i think a life without love seems really sad.

wow! that was a lot longer than i anticipated. anyway, i think that will suffice for a post today.


Anonymous said...

three (very important, i think)things:
1.i love it that you used a wham! christmas song in your blog
2.i'm a little hurt that i'm not one of your favorite three blondes :( (even though it is getting darker, i AM still blonde)
3.we are such dorks, because one of my favorite things is that darcy and elizabeth always get together, too!!!!!
i'm glad i got to see you over your break. it reminds me that there is someone out there that won't make fun of me for my adrianeisms. (that word would be spelled better without the "e," but then it would not be my name as much)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I read that whole thing!!! I am as pathetic as you I guess. It must run in the family!!