Friday, September 15, 2006

things you never think to ask

Things You Never Think to Ask

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops?

2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters?
always. i'm a giant chicken

3. When's the last time you've been sledding?
umm... i honestly don't know. my freshman year of college there was a big snowball fight on the mall at midnight the first time it snowed. but sledding?

4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
if it's with a romantic-type person and there is cuddling, i would think with. but i'll have to test that theory first ask me again when i'm 40.

5. Do you believe in ghosts?
not really, but there were some creepy coincidences at my college.

6. Do you consider yourself creative?
not really

7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife?
i don't really care. sorry.

8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
jennifer. i think angelina might hurt me. and i do mean physically. she seems a little to kinky for me. and she looks like a biter.

9. Do you stay friends with your ex's?
what ex's?

10. Do you know how to play poker?
have i actually ever played it? no. do i know how to play in theory? no.

11. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
probably. i can't really remember though.

12. What's your favorite commercial?
jeez. i haven't watched enough tv in the last month to know. the one with the really hot guy? is there one of those out there right now?

13. What are you allergic to?
doing anything before the last minute?

14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights?
no. sadly, no.

15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you?
probably. i've never told anyone about that one night with the german soccer team in paris. i'll tell you one thing though--soccer players have S-T-A-M-I-N-A.

16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees?
is there anything in the world i care less about?

17. Have you ever been Ice Skating?
yes. twice. it hurts my ankes. i'm not good at finding the perfect level of lace-tightness.

18. How often do you remember your dreams?
almost always. they're usually wierd, and if i'm stressed out in real life, my dreams become very stressful. case in point: this week, i had a dream that i was at school and my first period was going to start in 20 minutes, and i hadn't gotten a shower yet. so i jumped on a scooter and started driving around the neighborhood to find a house that was empty so i could break in and take a shower.

19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?
probably wednesday. i spent some time hanging out with sean and rob, which is always good for a laugh.

20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles?
all you need is love, help, can't buy me love, penny lane, sargeant peppers lonely hearts club band

21. What's the one thing on your mind now?
is sean going to call me back regarding going to a movie?

22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no. screw you romeo and juliet

23. Do you know who Ghetto-ass barbie is?
i don't know... tyra wishes she was FIERCE!!

24. Do you always wear your seat belt?
yeah. i feel naked without it.

25 what cell service do you use?

26. Do you like Sushi?

27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident?
yeah. i spun out one day this spring on the freeway and ended up in a ditch. luckily, the ditch was gravel and traffic was light. but it was scary. if it had been heavy traffic, i'd probably be dead.

28. What do you wear to bed?
panties and a tee-shirt. i've tried the naked thing and i've tried the panties-only thing, but it just feels better with a shirt. i sleep better.

29. Been caught stealing?
no. the only time i ever stole was by accident. i was shopping and had an eyeshadow in my hand and put it in my pocket to grab something else and found it in my pocket two days later.

30. what shoe size do you have?
11. bigfoot, party of one.

31. Do you truly hate anyone?
not that i know of. but there are many people i don't like and even more i never want to see again. most of my dislike comes from jealousy. i can admit it.

32. Classic Rock or Rap?

33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be?
hmmm... orlando bloom, probably. but orlando bloom with his pirates of the caribbean: the curse of the black pearl hair. all longish and curly and HOTTTT.

34. Are you a virgin?
virgin by default. pathetic.

35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror?
in the last hour? i had a microphone made out of legos when i was a kid. i spent many an hour pretending to be amy grant.

36. What food do you find disgusting?
liver. and anything on fear factor.

37. Do you sing in the shower?
i'm barely awake enough to breathe in the shower, let alone sing.

38. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"?
umm...yes. but i'll never say with whom.

39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back?
probably. but if they're good enough friends, i just do it in front of their back.

40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew?
i'm not sure. i'm sure i've defended *nsync once or twice, and i don't know them at all. i stand up for other teachers all the time.

41. Have you ever been punched in the face?
no, but i fell headfirst into the floor once.

42. have you ever punched somebody in the face?
no. but in second grade i kicked nick hawkins in the balls and he went home crying. amy wilson was there--she can vouch for it.

i'm not going to apologize for not updating recently. my workload this year is painful in its intensity. i'll update when i can.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

the abc's of me...

too lazy for a real post right now. i'll do a good one sometime this week.

A is for age:
24 (for another month)

B is for beer of choice:
if it's a choice between beer and, for example, a milkshake, i'd go milkshake. but the beer i prefer is beck's light, i guess

C is for career:

D is for favorite Drink:
either diet pepsi or water, preferably evian. oh! no wait, a venti iced nonfat stirred caramel macchiato.

E is for essential item you use everyday:
my computer. or three hole punch. or cell phone, but only because i have no landliine. or my tv. it talks to me when i'm home alone. white board markers?

F is for favorite song at the moment:
"stolen" by dashboard confessional. track number 4 on the new album dusk and summer. "watch you spin around in your highest heels / you are the best one of the best ones / we all look like we feel"

G is for favorite games:
snood is an all-time favorite. and then there's the classic "make your students cry" which never ceases to be fun.

H is for hometown:
Jamestown, IN

I is for instruments you play:
piano, various types of drum and other percussion intruments.

J is for favorite juice?:
apple or grape. depends on the day

K is for kids?:
meaning? do i have any, not yet (thankfully). do i like them, yes, in small numbers. adore my nephews.

L is for last kiss?:
well, a few weeks ago at rock star karaoke, some really drunk lady decided we were best friends and kissed me twice on the cheek. from someone i love? my mom, when i was home in july. from a guy? 23rd birthday, which was almost two years ago for those of you playing along at home. incidentally, that was my first kiss. and it wasn't good. at least i hope that's what a bad kiss is like because if that's what a good kiss is like, i'm not missing anything. we're talking copious amounts of drool.

M is for marriage:
well, i believe in the concept of it, if that's what you mean. am i? no. have i ever been? no. do i want to be? desperately. but only with the right guy (i.e. Mr. Darcy.)

N is for name of your best friend:
which one?

O is for overnight hospital stays:
i dunno? mom, how long did we stay when i was born? cause, that's all i got. unless you count sleeping in the waiting room the night of my college graduation, when my grandma collapsed. but i was only there until about 3am or so, which isn't technically overnight.

P is for phobias:

Q is for quote:
"you are a child of the universe / no less than the trees and the stars / you have a right to be here / and whether or not it is clear to you / no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

R is for biggest regret:
not asking my grandparents enough questions when they were alive.

S is for self confidence:
what about it? no who should have it has enough, and the people that have enough or too much shouldn't have it. at least that's what i think.

T is for time you wake up:
during the week: 5:00 am (ugh). on the weekends: whenever i decide to stop being lazy and get up. or when my back starts to hurt. i'm getting old. or my bed is getting old. one of the two.

U is for underwear:
again. what about them? i prefer boy briefs (or "manties" as mary and i dubbed them). and i have lots of pairs of them? right now they're pink. well, more fushia. what more do you need to know?

V is for vegetable you love:
zucchini. or romaine lettuce.

W is for worst habit:

X is for x-rays you've had:
my teeth, for all the braces and retainers and wisdom teeth. my head (x-ray and CAT scan) when i passed out in 10th grade and had a seizure in the middle of the cafeteria and landed on my head on the concrete and had a black eye for six weeks. good times. that might be it.

Y is for yummy food you make:
i make really good veggie fajitas, and anything involving a skillet, some chicken and vegetables and olive oil always turns out well. i'm actually a really good cook. i just don't like to cook for myself. it's boring.

Z is for zodiac sign :
Libra. don't ask me what that says about me. i haven't read a horoscope since 2001 or so.

ps. i'm wearing new socks today--I LOVE NEW SOCK DAYS!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

why is it that a french accent on a woman sounds really beautiful and romantic, but on a man it just sounds kind of silly and ridiculous?

just a thought. that's just my opinion.

in my modern literature class, we study the different eras of literature in the 19th and 20th century, and the last one we deal with is magical realism, which is " 'heightened reality' or the addition of another dimension of reality through a symbolic or metaphoric structure. It gives us a new way of preceiving the world, as if through a child looking at the world for the first time." there is a story that falls into that category in the textbook, but i dont' like it and i don't really get it. so, i figured i'd show a movie and make everyone happy. here's the problem: all the good magical realism films are rated PG-13, and i can't show anything higher than PG in my class. I really want to show big fish, but it's rated PG-13. So are chocolat, like water for chocolate, moulin rouge, and what dreams may come. seriously. so frustrating. i was just going to show harry potter, but that's more fantasy. i'm thinking about taping big fish off tv, because we can show anything anything from tv. or i might just be a rebel and show big fish anyway, because they're seniors, and this is las vegas, and they can see worse stuff on bilboards.

i spent a lot of time this week getting ready for school to start (lesson plans, general outlines of what i'm going to do with each class) and i've been having so much fun. it's funny that i spent all summer putting off school work and now that i'm doing it i'm having a blast.

my cat can now jump up on the kitchen counters, which doesn't thrill me. he's also decided that his favorite toy is toilet paper, so i can't keep it on the roller anymore, but perched on top of the towel rack where he can't get to it. he destroyed a whole roll this week, which made a huge mess and cost me money. TOILET PAPER IS EXPENSIVE!!

and can i just say that one uses much more toilet paper when one is home all day every day. i feel like i'm literally pissing through all the money i have. just one more thing that men save money on. along with, of course, makeup, shoes, flat and curling irons, and bras. and jewelry.

i went and saw scoop, the new woody allen movie last night, and i loved it. i'd never seen a woody allen movie before and i think i might be a fan. i'm going to go rent annie hall today and then slowly watch every movie he's ever made. i was giggling the whole time. there were times when nothing was happening and i would just sit there, giggling like a fool. new favorite quote: "i don't see the glass a half empty. i see it as half full, but of poison." hugh jackman still gorgeous, and when he's playing a suave, charming, wealthy aristocrat who alternates between nice suits and really really well fitting jeans, he's GORGEOUS. if he wasn't married with two (adopted) kids, i'd stalk him and make him love me. that man can *wear* a pair of jeans. i highly recommend the movie.

i know i might get hatemail from this, but audrey hepburn's accent kind of makes me want to rip my ears off. i still love her, and still want to be her and look like her. but her accent kind of gets in the way sometimes. no one's perfect.

i realize my blogs have gotten more and more boring over the last few weeks. i promise, school starts soon and then i'll have fun stories. right now, my life is sitting at home, watching tv, and working on school stuff. so, unless you all want thousands of stories about my cat, this is all i got.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

a little bit random...

there's not going to be any sort of over-arching theme to this post, but i have a lot of little things i want to mention. thus with the random-osity.

i dogsat las week. my friends sean and gwen were out of town, and since they took care of my cat for three weeks, i figured i owed them. luckily, cruiser (their dog, a greyhound) is really mort like a big cat. he's actually more cat-like than my cat. the only variation from the cat behavior is the going outside to use the restroom. this is also one of the most highly-scheduled dogs i've ever seen. the first morning i had him, i woke up around 9am and took him outside first thing. when i came back in i noticed that he had peed on my carpet, because he was used to going out at around 7am, and when i didn't take him out then, he couldn't hold it. so, i had to get out of bed at 7am every day for a week so the dog wouldn't pee on my carpet. i made myself stay up most days, because i'm trying to adjust my body clock so when i have to get up at 5am next week for school, my brain won't implode. as i was walking him one afternoon, i saw a kid, maybe 11 years old, walking with a bag of trash in a direction not anywhere near a dumpster (i need to mention that my complext is right next to the freeway), and i realized he was walking towards that side of the complex. when he went away, i wandered over and saw a pile of trash bags just on the other side of the complex wall next to the freeway. now i will admit, taking the trash to the dumpster is annoying, especially when it's summer in the desert (120 degrees is HOT, i don't care if it's a dry heat), but are people really that lazy? they're going to throw their trash next to the freeway? come on! i was pretty disappointed in my fellow resident.

i have to go back to work one week from tomorrow. mixed feelings. last night i had my first teaching dream in a long time, so i know it's getting to be that time of year. i have yet to do any work toward the school year. i had breakfast with a couple other teachers this morning, and one guy has everything planned (including, but not limited to, lesson plans, tests, quizzes, homework assignments, worksheets, and lectures) through the first quarter. i don't know what i'm going to do the first day. i love procrastination. maybe i'll do some work tonight.

i've decided that my cat is not really a cat. he has the fluffiest tail ever, ergo part squirrel (although, adriane, not quite as fluffy as brownie's was). his favorite activity: fetch. ergo, part dog. he's huge for a cat, so there's some pony in there, and since his favorite place to sleep is wrapped around my neck, he's gotta be part scarf.

the other day i actually found myself telling some friends that the weather had been really nice the past few days, as it hadn't gone over 100 degrees. it's a sad state of things when anything under 100 just feels nice. a couple nights ago it was in the low 80's, and it felt cooler outside than in my apartment.

i saw a really good movie last weekend: mrs. henderson presents. it's british, so it might be challenging to find it, but i recommend searching. blockbuster usually does pretty well with independant/lesser known films. it's about this woman who is a bored widow so she buys a theatre and eventually puts on nude shows and hijinks ensue.

you know what i don't get? the show "flavor of love." i just don't understand why women would compete to be with flava flav. have they seen what he looks like? and how annoyingly half-drunk and obscenely loud he is? i understand the premise of a show where women compete to get away from him, but to be his girlfriend? and yes, i understand the fact that there are golddiggers out there and women with poor taste, and low self-esteem (never a good combo), but some things should just be obvious. i can't even stand to watch it (and we all know how i love terrible reality shows on vh1) but he just makes me want to punch my tv. or shoot it. but since, unlike elvis, i can't afford to buy a new one every week, i just have to avoid the show.

project runway is quality tv.

fergie from the black eyed peas has a new single (and album, come to think) and may i just voice my opinion that IT IS TERRIBLE. this does not mean i will refrain from dancing to it should the occasio arise, but it flat out sucks. first of all, she doesn't really sing, she kind of speaks the lyrics in a manner that isn't quite rap, and itsn't quite spoken word. it's just obnoxious. and there is only one verse, which she repets a couple times. and i noticed this morning when i saw the video that she is not an attractive woman. i used to think she was really beautiful, but holy rotten bananas batman--she's quite the butter face. (everything about her is good but her face).

inversely, justin timberlake's new single is growing on me like mold in a french cheese factory. i didn't like it at first, but then i heard it a second time. mmm-hmmm.

i think, once it gets cooler, i might get bangs that go to about mid-eye that i can sweep off to one side (a la rory on gilmore girls). i can't do this until at least october though, because it's just too hot to have bangs in the summer, and then one's forehead begins to perspire and said bangs get gross and sweaty.

i know i've mentioned this before, but i really, really hate the word bangs. i really think that we, as a society should be able to come up with a better word.

my cable company's website has a program guide that says what's showing at any given time. much like the tv guide channel, but i am able to look at my own pace, instead of that of the tv guide channel's, which is very slow and makes me want to kick my tv. so, today i was perusing it to see what was on, because even with 74 channels, very little is on tv from noon to four. the whole thing is color-coded by category (sports are yellow, movies are blue, etc.) and i noticed that "saved by the bell" was light green. light green is children's programming. i was watching it at the time. pathetic.
and really depressing.

i can't really think of anything else right now. once school starts i'll have fun new stories. right now it's just me, guy, and my television. it's quite the exciting life i lead.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

my cat is so cute!!

i'm always intrigued by...

what my mind comes up with right before i fall asleep. unless it's that feeling of falling when your body relaxes. hate that. anyway, last night i started thinking about things i remember from my life. and it's so strange what i remember and what i dont' remember. i know what i was wearing the day i passed out in high school, but i have no clue what the date was, or wheter i was in a or b lunch, or what classes i'd had that day. so, because nothing THAT exciting has been hapenning in my life because it's summer break and i just hang out at my house all day, and because i don't feel like rehashing everything that happened at lindsay's wedding ( i will do so, but not today) i've decided to write down a list of things i remember.

  • when we lived in terre haute, (we moved to jamestown when i was almost 4) we had a sandbox outside. one day, i wondered what sand tasted like, so i tried some. it mostly tastes gritty, with a hint of cat pee.
  • the back door at our house in terre haute stuck, because back doors often do that, and i had trouble opening it, which i know is shocking considering my three-year-old strength. i told mom and dad that i couldn't open the door, but didn't have the cognizance or the vocabulary to tell them why, so they assumed that i was too short, and dad put a cinder block next to the door so i could stand on it and open it. i remember thinking they were dumb, because i could obviously read the handle (i was THREE wasn't i?) but the door was dumb, and they needed to fix the door. not my shortness. i've gotten over it, and mom and dad, i no longer think you're dumb.
  • i remember the day that i discovered that if i rode my bike down my street to the left, i could see the back of heidi and lindsay's house. i previously hadn't known how to get there.
  • i always have trouble sleeping the night before something big or monumental. the night before i started kindergarten, i was terrified because alana bloom down the street had told me that my teacher, mrs. kohler, was mean. i remember that mom and dad came into my room (probalby because i was crying--i was a horrible crybaby when i was a kid) and sat with me for a while and tried to convince me that it would be okay and mom sat on the bed with me and dad sat on the chair that went with my vanity and propped his feet on the fan on the floor (this was before we put a ceiling fan in my room). turns out, alana bloom was right--mrs. kohler was mean. not to me, but to other kids. she's someone who should not be teaching kindergarten.
  • speaking of kindergarten, we had these activity packets that we had to fill out every morning within the first hour. i have no clue how many pages they were, but it seemed like there were at least 30 pages, all of which had intricate, difficult instructions (we're talking on par with building a nuclear reactor) and i was always afraid that i wouldn't finish in time and i would get in trouble. people always think i'm exaggerating this, but the first hour of each day made me want to have an anxiety attack. so i would hurry through my cutting and pasting so that i would get done in time and then i would get check-minuses on my cutting and pasting, when it was really the teacher's fault for putting that much pressure on a 5-year-old.
  • i remember the night that my brother michael broke his arm. or maybe his leg. but he was trying to do skateboard tricks in front of the house and fell. once when one of the boys broke an appendage--it had to have been michael, because jonathan broke his arm before jamestown (maybe before i was born) and he broke his knee at camp and i already wasn't there. or maybe it was jonathan, because i got to go to debbie noggle's parents' house and ride horses, and i was the best time of my life. and the next morning we went down the road to debbie noggle's grandma's house and she made us waffles, which was very exciting because i loved waffles as a kid and they were one of two things my mom can't make (no bake cookies are the other thing). she's really good at making everything else. she makes a mean pot roast. it tried to bite me.
  • i remember imagene owen, and that she had a ladder in one of her closets in the kitchen, and the ladder led to the upstairs and it was so cool. and then as i got older and thought about it, i decided that it was probably from the underground railroad (i went on a big harriet tubman kick in about 4th grade) and that made it even cooler.
  • when we first moved to jamestown, there was a ladder in the back of what became the storage room in the basement, and my brothers told me that it led to a secret passageway to the church building. i was never able to investigate, because it was impossible to get to the back of the storage room. the only things i ever got out of there were suitcases, coolers, and my dad's record collection. i'm not sure what the rest of it was.
  • i had a huge walk-in closet at the house in jamestown, and i always wanted to play in it, because a) it was cool, and b) heidi and lindsay got to. but, i wasn't allowed to because i always made a mess in there. and if you've met my mother, you understand why my closet wasn't allowed to be messy.
  • once, in junior high, i was burning a candle in my room when the wick got too low and stopped burning. i decided to melt the rest of the wax, so that i could use it in another candle, instead of just throwing it away like a normal person. i then decided that the best way to melt the wax was to put bits of kleenex in there and light them on fire so that there would be heat to melt the wax, and an energy source that i could keep adding to as it burned down. i forgot, however, that i'm a moron, so the next thing i know, this little fire is kind of raging out of control in the candle jar. first i grabbed a spray bottle of water, but that just seemed to make the fire jump higher, which was not what i wanted. please remember that we lived in a house owned by the church where my dad worked, so if i burned it down, i would be in trouble with my parents, the church, and God. i was REALLY concerned with putting it out. i thought back to my fire safety classes in first grade, and i remembered that they way to put out a fire if water wouldn't work, was to smother it. so i grabbed a mirror and put it over the candle and put out the fire. i took the mirror off and had a new problem: lots of smoke. so i grab a sock off of the floor (dirty, of course, because i was in junior high, after all) and pick of the candle and take it to the window and open the window and put a fan on it to blow the smoke outside. i then realized that my room smelled like smoke, so i ran out and told my mom everything, finishing with, "I just want you to know so you don't think that i'm smoking or anything, because i'm not." at that point, many of my friends were smokers, and mom knew this, and i didn't want her to think i was doing it, because i didn't want to get in trouble. i threw away the candle. and have never tried to melt wax again.
  • remember when you were little and life was measured by tv shows? how many mister rogerses or how many sesame streets until something? that was cool.
  • before i learned how to tell time, or maybe just as i was beginning to tell time, i thought that "a quarter till" or "after" was 25 minutes, because one quarter was 25 cents, so that made sense. stupid fractions.
  • i couldn't never understand why my neighbors across the street, wendy and heather, called their dad "wayne" instead of "dad." he was, of course, their stepdad, but i didn't get that when i was a kid. i also never understood why "big heather" and "little heather" had different last names, and why big heather was only there on the weekends. big heather was wayne's daughter from his first marriage, obviously, and little heather was his stepdaughter.
  • there used to be an urban legend that a man hid behind the sign for our church and shot the man who lived in the house across the street from me. it happened a long time ago. i wonder if it's true.
  • that sign was the best place to play as a child. you could hide behind it. and if you were one of the big kids, you could climb on top of it. i never did.
  • the year we did "the great late potentate" for our christmas musical at church i was 5, i think, and if you watch the video from the second night, there's one part where the camera is on me, and i don't realize it, obviously, because i am just scratching my ass for all i'm worth. i'm classy.
  • my aunt and uncle had a foster son, i think his name was robbie, and i have almost no recollection of him. i think he was at a few christmases when i was really little, but i don't ever remember talking to him, or even interacting with him. i wonder what ever happened to him.
  • when i was in early grade school one day we went to visit my great aunt and uncle. i'm not sure exactly where they lived, but i think it was near ohio. anyway, they lived in florida during the winter, as old people in the midwest tend to do, and i overheard someone mention that they lived there. i thought we were going to see them in florida. now, i wasn't sure where florida was, but i was pretty sure it was really far away, and it seemed crazy that we were going there and back in a day. it seemed better to do for a long time and pack clothes and stuff. i was schocked when it only took about an hour. and then we got there, and their house was on a pond, and there were ducks and we got to feed them. that was also the first time i ever saw burner covers on a stove, which i still do not understand. why cover the burners? everyone knows they're there? this is why i made it my sacred duty to keep burning them until mom gave up. mom, i won.
enough memories for tonight. two really quick things: why is jon stwart's hair staring to look really similar to that of luke perry and jason priestly on the first few seasons of 90210?

and is anyone really shocked that lance bass is gay? seriously? that's not news. once 'nsync became really popular, i decided that everyone liked justin, and i should try to be different and like someone else. i honestly tried to cultivate a liking to lance, but he was too gay even back then. back in the super-gay boy band heyday of the late 90's, early 2000s. *sigh* those were the times.

Monday, July 24, 2006

my cat is a sexual deviant...

saturday night, my friend alison came over to watch a movie and hang out, and my cat decided taht was the time to resurrect his "care bear humping extravaganza" that he debuted while staying with my friends sean and gwen. lucky the green care bear has been defiled. so guy is humping away, and i'm embarassed, and alison is scandalized (she's catholic, so she doesn't actually know how sex works...okay, we all know that's not true. those crazy catholics... but she was really scandalized), so i pick lucky up with two fingers so as to touch as little of him as humanly possible and threw lucky in my bedroom, telling him to be dirty in there like the rest of civilized society. apparently though, he's an exhibitionist as well as a miscreant, and he carries lucky back out into the dining room so that we all got to share in the joy of his masturbation. he has an appointment to become a eunich next tuesday.

so let me continue with some of the hijinks of my sabbatical in the crossroads of america (that's indiana, for those of you who weren't inculcated with that phrase from a very young age). i went to the art museum with heidi and lindsay to see an exhibition of wedding gowns. it was really cool. they had american gowns from different time periods as well as traditional wedding garments from all over the world. they had a little "interactive learning" space for kids, with kind of typical wedding dresses from each decade starting with 1800 or so and going to 1960 or something. unsurprisingly enough, my favorite was from the time period of jane austin. speaking of jane austin, here's a fun conversation that occurred while i was home:

sarah: oh, by the by lindsay, i need to stop at the atm.
lindsay: what does "by the by" mean?
sarah: it means, like, by the way.
lindsay: why would you say that?
heidi: because sometimes sarah thinks she's in a jane austin novel.

it's true.

anyway, we wandered around the parts of the museum that were open (not the europeans, though. sad) and there was one little room that had a video screen and seats--think very small theatre. we walked in and there was a bunch of red stuff on the screen and some very pulsating music, and thinking that we were the only ones in the room i blurted out, "is that an orgy?" it was then that i realized there was a couple about the age of my parents in the room. we left quickly.

let me talk about the bachelorette party. the non-cedar point version. we had dinner, and while we were waiting for our ice cream, jen (labrie) deem decided to make one of those paper fortune tellers out of her placemat. you know the ones with colors and then you spell it and then there are numbers inside and you count them while opening and closing it (i'm having trouble describing this without using my hands, obviously) and then there are fortunes inside. since it was a bachelorette party, jen made a dirty one. i don't remember all of the fortunes, but here are those that i do know:

2=his two lips, plus your two "lips" equals one curly mustache
3=three "accidental" slips toward the 'other hole' are not accidental...

i guess that's all i remember. but they were funny. if you know jen, this isn't surprising. if anyone knows any others, please post a comment to share with the world.

we left there and went roller skating, where we got free skate rental because lindsay was a bride-to-be (thank goodness she was wearing that ridiculous veil) and we had a blast. did you know there is this whole culture of people (kids--high school age) who hang out at the skating rink and breakdance on their roller skates? IT'S AMAZING!!!! it made me want to go...well, nothing really, but it was really cool. they had lindsay request a song, so of course she requested "baby got back," because, what else would she request, honestly? we're out there skating and guess who fell? lindsay. the bride was the only person who fell the entire night. it was HILARIOUS. she was pretty excited (sarcasm) that her knee would be all swollen and bruised on her honeymoon. we all tried to convince her that matt wouldn't be looking at her knee.

the next part of the plan was karaoke at some bar on tenth street, which, as it turns out, has karaoke on friday nights and live music on saturday. we were there on saturday. we thought there was karaoke at a different bar in avon so we went there, but there was no karaoke, just a dj and (miniscule) dance floor. this bar was pretty dive-tastic, and full of hendricks county's white trash. the dancing was pretty entertaining. heidi and i devised a game where we give everyone whom we don't like a new, sort of mean nickname. one very drunk lady who was in her mid fifties was out shaking her money maker while wearing white capri pants, so her name became fancy mcwhite pants. oh yeah, everyone got a 'mc' before their last name. well, most everyone. there was also seniorita salsa, fringe-y mcsequins (a shirt with fringe and sequins, because overkill is never enough), skinny pink tank top (the top was skinny, she was not), the striped shirt twins (two men wearing the same shirt--or close enough for us to make fun)... that might have been it.

by the end of the night it was lindsay, heidi, lauren and i. we were playing pool, having a good time, just the girls, when this guy comes over and says he and his friend want to play against us in pool. so we go over there and one guy was named stewart, and i forget the names of the other guys. now i had noticed stewart because he kept checking lauren out. he was quite the monet (looks good from far away, but up close it's just a big mess). heidi and i voted not to play because we suck at pool and it was more fun to make fun of the people in the bar. lindsay was pretty drunk by this point and had morphed into drunk voice. at one point she says to lauren "lauren, thish ish verrry imporrrrrtantt shhhot." this was really funny to me. and i kept repeating at random throughout the rest of the game. heidi and i gave nicknames to the three guys. one guy was sitting on a stool and not talking to anyone, so he became ugly mcwallflower. the other guy had a HUGE nose, and he kind of looked like an african mask, specifically the one that's in the aquarium in finding nemo. which made me think of nemo's nickname "shark bait -ooh ha ha. which of course means that his name became shark bait mc'ooh haha. it took us a while to get stewart's nickname tacked down, but we eventually setlled on stew-boo.

at one point, lindsay and lauren were losing, and lindsay and i didn't like that idea, so while everyone was distracted, we cheated and "nudged" some of their balls into the pockets until it was pretty even. so now it's the end of the game and stew-boo starts to line up a shot. and continued to line it up for FIVE MINUTES. at which time we started teasing and i repeated lindsay's line of "thish ish verrry imporrrrrtanntt shhhot." then he missed. and we died laughing. he walks over to where heidi and i had been heckling and starts telling us that we need to be nice to him and he's been nice to us, and all he wants is for us to not make fun of him. we start laughing, because we think he's joking, and he gets really mad. and starts yelling at us. heidi keeps laughing, because she apparently doesn't value her life and i'm trying to tell him that we'll be nice and get him to go away. he doesn't go away and keeps yelling. so lauren comes over and tries to diffuse the situation. it doesn't work. so his friend shark bait comes over and tries to diffuse the situation and stew-boo tries to fight him! so he leaves and we decide to leave also. as we're walking out, we ask one of the security guys to walk us out, and he agrees. stew-boo is already out at his car, but shark bait is walking out at the same time. he says to us that we shouldn't have done what we did and he was right to be mad!! we tried to tell him that we were teasing everyone equally and he had no reason to be mad, and then shark bait tries to start yelling at us. the security guy kind of diffused it and we all left, but it was the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to me. and i've had a few crazy experiences. it's a better story in person, but this will have to do. i hope it's funny.

my cat is humping floyd, his other care bear, whom he carried in here to hump in front of me. pervert. at least he alternates between toys.

i went down to the strip today, which always makes me angry. here are some things that i feel tourists need to know:
  • you're in vegas. not orlando. there is couture here. dior, fendi, burberry, prada, chanel, valentino. don't wear old t-shirts from the county fair. at least try to be clean.
  • just because they sell 2-foot tall margaritas at 9am, it doesn't mean you should buy one. you look dumb. and the natives are laughing at you.
  • if it looks like a fanny pack, buckles like a fanny pack, and sits above your groin like a fanny pack, it's a fanny pack. even if it says louis vuitton or gucci. and it's not okay.
  • yes, the buildings are pretty and tall and there are lots of lights and many things to look at. this does not mean you are alowed to come to a complete halt in the middle of the walkway to look at said pretty things. move to the side.
  • if you are going to walk slowly, at least walk in a straight line so people who have places to be can pass you. you only zigzag if you're trying to run and not get shot. if you zigzag while i'm trying to pass you, making it impossible for me to pass you, you might get shot. if i had a gun, that is. and not morals. and not conscience... okay, you might not get shot, but i'll bitch about you in my blog.
  • if you don't know how to drive on a west coast freeway (fast, agressive), don't drive. let a taxi do it for you. because you'll be in my way, and i'll get angry.
that's it for now. i was at the paris hotel and they (understandibly) have tried to make it feel like paris (the city) inside the casino. but it donesn't, because there is absolutely NO dog shit on the floor. i looked.

i forgot to mention that we got home from cedar point at 5am (i was the only person in the car to be awake the entire ride home), giving me enough time to shower, eat breakfast and leave for church, where i had to sing at both services. i thought i was going to die at one point. i decided to drive down to the (one) gas station in roachdale and buy a can of monster (my energy drink of choice) and they don't sell energy drinks. just soda. i was so angry at that point i was wide awake. stupid gas station. i'm not bitter.

this is lengthy. and i think very incoherent. but whatever. bedtime.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the amazing thing is...

someone, somewhere in history, had the idea to pour milk over pieces of grain or whatever and call it cereal. brilliant. those of you who know me at all know that i could not live without cereal. i honestly can't imagine my life without it. there's just nothing like it.

so i went home for three weeks. hijinks ensued.

my friend lindsay got married (hooray mrs. lovell!) how was jamaica by the way? and a trip to cedar point was planned as sort of a pre-bachelorette party. we all drove up friday night, stayed the night in a hotel, went to the park the next day, left at closing and drove home. now, close your eyes and imagine with me: we're getting ready to leave on friday night, around 6:30 or so, and as we're heading out to the car, i ask which way we're going. someone mentions that we were going to take I65 south to indianapolis, I-465 across to I-69 and then up to ohio. if you live in the central indiana area, you know that that's a little out of the way, so i suggested that we take state road 32 across to I-69, which was a little more straightforward. i knew that 32 was a two-lane highway, and i knew it might be a little slower, but i figured that it would be better that dealing with friday night rush hour traffic on the interstate. before i continue, i would like to point out that no one argued with me, or offereed any other suggestions. they all just agreed with me. my "shortcut" added at least two hours to our trip. i felt really bad. and then, to add insult to a very hungry and cranky injury, traffic was still backed up on I-69 because of construction. we got to our hotel super late. then heidi tried to give me a seizure by putting a flashing light ring in my face just as i was falling asleep.

the next morning, after a refreshing six hours of sleep, we all got up and went to breakfast, which might have been the worst hotel continental breakfast of my life. i'm pretty much an authority on hotel breakfasts, too. my family doesn't stay at a hotel unless there's a continental breakfast. they had cereal, so i was okay, but the rest of it was pretty slim pickings. lauren was wearing a tee-shirt that said "dry campus" on the front, and then "my ass (#1 party school in the country)" on the back. it was in regards to IU a few years ago when they got that particular award. of course, this prompted us to make the decision to call lauren "my ass" for the rest of the day. this lead to many memorable statements, including (but not limited to):
  • my ass wants a funnel cake.
  • my ass is in for the ride of her life
  • my ass likes it fast and in the dark (in reference to riding roller coasters at night)
  • my ass wants some hot nuts (in reference to roasted nuts being sold at a concession cart)
  • my ass will not shut her mouth
you get the idea. it's probably not funny to anyone but us, but we thought it was hysterical. around lunchtime, we were standing in line to get the most overpriced yet disgusting pizza of my life when this old guy with approximately 2.78 teeth started telling lauren that he liked her shirt, and that he agreed with it (meaning that she had a nice ass). when she ignored him, he moved on to christa, going so far as to tell her that he liked her nail polish. he was pretty drunk, and really really really gross. i'm also an authority on gross. i worked at a truck stop.

it was a fun day. near the end we decided to ride the magnum and pose for the cameras, so we spent at least 30 minutes deciding what pose we were all going to do, and then we asked the ride operator where the cameras were. he said they were in the third tunnel. as we raced through the first two tunnels, lindsay was up frong yelling "first tunnel! practice positions!!" and then "second tunnel! practice positions!" as we were approaching the third tunnel and were all moving into position, the cameras went off, because they are placed BEFORE the third tunnel, not IN the third tunnel (this is why prepositions are important boys and girls) so we got a bunch of pictures of us looking extremely stupid in mid pose. we decided we had no other choice but to ride it again, this time posing before the third tunnel. the pictures are pretty sweet. we were going down a hill, so my boobs look ENORMOUS. if you're ever at my house, ask to see them. i'd put them on here, but i don't have digital copies.

well, this is short but i want to go to bed, so i'll continue the story of the hijinks during my stay at home at another time.

by the way, saw pirates of the caribbean 2 tonight, and have decided that i will marry the man who uses the following pickup line on me: "You know, these clothes do not flatter you at all. It should be a dress or nothing. I happen to have no dress in my cabin." (joking mom, don't get worried). is anyone besides me glad that they live in a world where johnny depp is alive and

Friday, April 21, 2006

the obnoxious thing is when you have an underwire poking you in the boob....

...which, thankfully, is not happening to me at this moment. i just thought i'd share.

sorry sorry sorry sorry. i haven't posted in a while. here are my lame excuses:

1. i have been very tired, because i work very hard.

2. i got a new "big ass tv," and moved my computer into my bedroom, at the opposite end of the house from said "big ass tv," and it's hard to tear myself away.

3. this week has been stupid

4. spring break. i didn't have time when my parents were here, and was just too damn lazy after they left

5. i didn't have anything to write about???

6. i suck at life.

now that i have a big ass tv, i realize how small my 13' was. incredible!! i did, in fact, get a kitten. he's currently attacking my feet. not fun. but he's super cute, if really hyper, but he'll grow out of that (hopefully)

today was my day to take lunch for my department, and i was nervous, becuause i'm like my mother. will they like the food? i was especially worried beause last time, i took turkey vegetable soup, and this time, i took hot turkey sandwhiches, and i didn't want to be the "turkey girl." but everyone liked it ( or at least they acted like it). and i made the ever-popular natalie nolan payday bars, and they were a hit in NV also.

one of the (many) reasons why i'm a loser: What a Girl Wants is on nickelodeon, starring Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth, and i'm watching it. this is a movie aimed at 13 year old girls, and i've got a decade on them. i'm so cool. new casino opened this week about a mile from my school. so my attendance will plummet, because there's somewhere really cool to go. oh well. if they want to fail my class, that's their decision.

now guy (the kitten) is perched on my shoulder, digging his claws into my upper chest. lovely. and now he's licking my ear. and biting my hair. he's darling. and a tad annoying. and he's about to attack my hands because, well, they're moving. and he assumes that anything which moves MUST BE KILLED.

fyi: RV, the new movie with robin williams, might be the most horrible idea for a movie, ever. how many jokes can they get out of "suburban guy rents an RV for his family vacation. hijinks ensue." i mean, seriously. this is the man who did "mork and mindy" and good morning vietnam, and now he's doing cheesy high-concept family comedy? how the mighty have fallen.

i love colin firth. if he wasn't old enough to be my father, i'd stalk him. i might stalk him anyway.

i have exsema (i don't konw how to spell it), which means that i have an excuse to buy aveeno lotion, finally. hooray. but not about the exsema part.

*****Just so you know, i started this friday evening, and didnt' finish it, so i'm finishing it tonight, sunday. sorry if the timing is wierd.

i hate paying bills. i always feel very very poor.

last night, i went out with some friends. actually, it was a giant group of people, and my friends sean and gwen knew about four of them, but we went out with them for the evening. we went to tao, which is one of the new "it clubs" on the strip. it's at the venetian. anyway, we went in, and it was pretty cool--it's a buddhist theme but the music was good and it was really big. i was looking around and there was a video screen and it said "happy birthday stavros" on it. i didn't think much of it, because i figured someone rich was having a party in the vip section. so a little while later, they bring out a cake for this stavros person and we pretty much ignored it until i heard a voice and it sounded familiar and it was paris hilton. stavros is her boyfriend. she was at the same club as me last night. a cople of the girls who were in our group got their picture taken with her. i never got really close becuase she was on the other side of the dance floor and it was waaay too crowded to get over there, but i was able to see her. it was strange.

i got home at four this morning and got up at noon, then spent all day on the couch grading research papers. they're not finished yet. they won't ever be finihsed. i will be grading these papers until the end of time, i think.

i clipped guy's front claws today, and they're much less painful, which is nice.

i think that's about all i got. i'm going to try and go to bed early tonight. we'll see how well it works. i'll try to update more often.

oh! real quick--alias is back on--final five episodes and VAUGHN IS ALIVE!!! i knew he was alive. no one that hot is allowed to die on network tv. i'm pretty sure it's in the "secret handbook for network tv presidents" that' i'm not supposed to know about. crap. now they're going to kill me for telling their secret. it's been nice knowing you all.

love, sarah

Thursday, March 30, 2006

i really miss (some aspects) of college.

jerry bruckheimer needs a new haircut.

i'm getting a kitten tomorrow. (his name will be guillame le conquerant)

i'm going to central europe next summer (for free)

i may have a crush on a guy who works at my gym.

Friday, March 10, 2006

official prediction: america's next top model will be nnenna or sara!!!!

so, i'm am completely stoked because the movie flight of the navigator is on abc family tonight, and i LOVED that movie as a child. we had taped it off tv, a sunday night disney special to be exact, and i watched it all the time as a child. i don't remember much except a spaceship, a robot, and a scene with a song by the beach boys (can't remember which one). and at the end, the kid came home, but like, 20 years had passed and his family didn't know where he was, or they'd forgotten about him or somethind. i don't know really, but i'm going to watch it, because it is awesome.

so tonight i was messing around on facebook and looking at all the pictures my friends had on there, and i realized that i'm kind of homesick. which made me wonder if moving 1800 miles away from home was a good idea... oh well. too late now. super exciting news: my friend amber is coming out to visit me next weekend!! she has to go to san diego for work, and they're going to fly her here and then home, so she can spend the weekend with me. HIGHLIGHT. i haven't seen her since christmas. and my brother comes out this week too. i won't see him as much, because he won't be staying with me, like amber, and we won't be hanging out as much, because he's a gambler, he is. but that's cool too. and my parents are coming in less than a month!!! which is super exciting for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that they're going to buy me a new vacuum. and i like seeing them.

wow. i reallly dont' remember much of this movie.

it snowed today. here. in las vegas. it didn't stick because the air and ground temperatures were way too high, but it was cool nonetheless. i heard yelling in the hall during sixth period, and i was going to go outside and ask them to be quiet, because my kids couldn't hear the people reading, and i heard someone say that it was snowing. so i asked my kids if they wanted to go see it, and they said yes, and we did. we stayed out about five minutes and they were really excited about it. it was cute. needless to say, it's a little chilly tonight (42 degress to be exact), so i'm sitting in my apartment wearing my pink fleece raindeer pajama pants and the sweater i wore to work today. a cardigan to be exact. grandma? is that you? yes my dear, it is. I LOOK SILLY. but it's okay

i wore my pink space boots to school today and got many comments, mostly positive. one was from the principal--i think he was impressed by them. i'll throw a picture of them on there for those of you who've never seen them. they're hot. it'll probably have to happen tomorrow, because i can't get the color right with the light in here.

the other day my students had to go and talk to the counselors about scheduling for next year, so i went around and took silly pictures of myself on all their cellphones. some have appeared on myspaces. i think it's funny.

i plan to clean my apartment this weekend and take pictures to put on here. by tuesday at the latest, because it has to be clean by wednesday when jonathan comes.

i'm going to go watch my movie and crochet. i love fridays. and i'm going to go see the hills have eyes this weekend, which is strange because i hate scary movies, but i really want to see this one.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

my love for these is ridiculous...

1. First name?

2. Who were you named after?
A great-great grandmother. There might be another great in there somewhere...

3. Do you wish on stars?
I live in Vegas. Who can see stars?

4. When did you last cry?, when did I last cry? OH! Chrismas Eve eve, late late phone call to John, convulsive sobs, snot running down my face... Ugh, not the best night of my life.

5. Do you like your handwriting?
It's usually okay on the board in my classroom but on paper and whatnot, it's a mess. I tend to like it better when I write in pencil. Rollerball pens--forget it.

6. What is your favorite sandwich meat?
Roast beef.

7. What is your birth date?
October 6, 1981. What else happened that day? The president of Egypt was assassinated.

8. What is your most embarrassing moment?
So many to choose from...there was the time I accidentally drew a penis on the board in class...the time I passed out during lunch in 10th grade and the whole school (including Ben Biggerstaff) saw it...the time I fell asleep during Dead Man Walking in college and started moaning--loudly...pretty much all of junior high...I could go on forever.

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
not likely

10. Do you have a journal?
Yes. I write in it approximately 2 times a year.

11. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No. never. I've never ever in my life been sarcastic. Especially not in my classroom. Never.

12. What are your nicknames?
In college, Amber decided it would be funny to call me SARS. I wasn't as amused by it as she was.

13. Would you bungee jump?
Am I strapped to an extremely handsome man? Actually, it would be yes either way. About a year ago I just woke up one morning and REALLY wanted to go bungee jumping.

14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
hahahahahahahahahahahaha. No.

15. Do you think that you are strong?
Emotionally--yes. Physically--yes. Mentally--frequently. Psychologically--sometimes.

16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Founder's Favorite from Cold Stone.

17. Shoe Size?
11. Amber decided that "Bigfoot" was also a good nickname for me in college. Why am I friends with her again?

18. Red or pink?

19. What are your least favorite things about yourself?
Once in a while, I procrastinate. And sometimes, but rarely, I am the slightest bit untidy.

20. What do you miss most?
Saved by the Bell. Or my family. It's really a toss up.

21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back?
I'm pretty ambivalent. I just really like filling them out.

23. What are you listening to right now?
A commercial for DentalVille. Which reminds me that I need to go to the dentist.

24. Last thing you ate?
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream.

25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

26. What is the weather like right now?
Mid 50's and dark. But clear and slightly breezy.

27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Amber. for over an hour.

28. The first thing you notice about "someone"?

29. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Yes. And I miss talking to her. ANGIE--CALL ME SOMETIME!

30. Favorite Drink?
Diet Pepsi

31. Favorite Sport?
To play? Does tonsil hockey count? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyone who knows me knows I've never played that game. I like to watch...I can't lie. I don't like sports really. I'll go to games and watch stuff live, but on tv? Once in while I'll watch a cheerleading competition, or gymnastics, or ice skating. I'm such a girl.

32. Hair Color?

33. Eye Color?

34. Do you wear contacts?

35. Favorite Food?

36. Last Movie You Watched?
I'm currently watching Cruel Intentions on ABC family. Last one I watched on a DVD? PRIDE AND PREDJUICE!!!!

37 Favorite day of the Year?
So far in my life, it's been the last day of school, but from here on out, it'll probably be the last day of school...

38. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
Happy Endings

39. Summer Or Winter?
Winter. Good thing I moved to the desert...

40. Hugs OR Kisses?
Either. I'm desperate.

41. Dessert?
Yes please.

42. Who Is Most Likely To Respond?
Since it's a one. My mom will post a comment, and maybe Heidi, and perhaps Adriane, but other than that...few people.

43. Who Is Least Likely To Respond?

44. Living Arrangements?
I live by myself, but I'm going to be getting a cat soon.

45. What Books Are You Reading?
Inherit the Wind, The Stranger, Monster, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, The Wives of Henry VIII, Jude the Obscure, The Bible Jesus Read...I think that's it. The first three are books I'm reading with my classes at school.

46. What's the farthest you've been from home?

47. What Did You Watch Last Night?
The Italian Job. Jason Statham...yum.

48. Favorite Smells?
Apple cinnamon. Or coffee.

49. Favorite Sounds?
Little kids laughing. Specifically (that can't be spelled correctly) my nephews.

50. Favorite TV show?
Alias, Gilmore Girls, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, House, CSI, I LOVE TV!!!!

51. Favorite adult drink?
(Mom and dad, don't read this) Vodka Tonic

52. Do you have a special talent?
I can touch my nose with my tongue. And I'm a decent singer. And I can make a mean salad.

53. Who is one person from your past that you would love to see or speak to
Probably any of my grandparents. I wish I had asked them more questions.

54. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Neither. Unless one of them has become emo recently. I hate myself for loving emo.

Wow! Wasn't that fun? Well, I enjoyed it at least. Just think of all the fun and useful things you just learned about me.

Oooh! Discovered a new pizza place. Amazing.

I finally unpacked my kitchen, and moved the boxes that are full of my pantry stuff into the pantry closet and closed the door. So now that I can't see them, I can pretend that they're unpacked. HOORAY!

Friday, March 03, 2006

so i found out the other day that one of my key club girls is bi. shock. not sure how i feel about it.

so as a part of my constant debilitating fear that my students will discover this, i spent aobut an hour the other day searching for my blog on here, and it's difficult to find, for one main reason: in the movie must love dogs, the main character's name is sarah nolan, which means that when you type in my name, you get a whole bunch of hits for that movie. i only found one of my posts on there when i referred to myself in the third person one time, and i only saw it because i knew what i was looking for. sigh of relief.

nbc, in their infinite wisdom, moved the show las vegas to friday nights at 9pm, which means i get to go to bed at 9pm on mondays, instead of 10pm because i'm an 80 year old woman. WHERE'S MY KNITTING BASKET!

i really hate it when people type in all caps. it makes me feel like they're yelling at me. and really, it's just laziness. they're too lazy to capitalize correctly (because that shift key is really far away) but they're still to caught up in the conventions of grammer to just buck the system and eliminate all capitalization (like me--i am above the petty teachings of the mrs. beck, elkin, dingman, and whatever the evil hell bitch in 8th grade was called). so, they just type in all caps and hope that it will all wash out, meanwhile leaving me curled up in the fetal position in the corner because i feel like i've done something bad.

i got bored earlier and was checking my friend heidi's myspace, when i started travelling through her friends to other people's friends and seeing people i went to high school with and WOW. there are a lot of losers i never wanted to see or hear from ever again. people i had successfully repressed just came back full force. some people it was cool to think of again. others...not so much.

i love my apartment.

it rained today and was windy and overcast. so pretty.

so on my account (don't judge--vegas is a difficult place to meet people) there is a place where you can click on whether or not things are turn-ons. there are about 15 or so, and they're predetermined, so you can't make up your own, but one of them is thunderstorms. they're cool and all, but a turn on? seriously.

so this week was battle of the sexes at my school. girls wore pink every day and boys wore blue. they counted how many of each were wearing the right color each day and there were contests at lunch (including one that involved touching as many people as possible on the head with a pickle in 30 seconds...i don't get it either). they also sold t-shirts that were blue and said "boy" and shirts that were pink and said "girl" and said "battle of the sexes on the back." they were actually pretty cute. anyway, one of my students said he was going to get black shirts with white writing with the word "man" on them. i told him it would be false advertising. i'm witty.

i found out today, that my modern lit kids thought i was going to be really mean the first day. i was all "laying down the law" and stuff and they all thought it was going to suck. some were thinking about transferring. i've lightened up significantly. today i gave them 20 minutes at the end of class because i didn't have anything planned. oops. i don't think they minded.

i was going to go to school tomorrow and get a ton of work done, because i like working at school, and i get more done there, but i remembered that the drama department is having some huge contest/conference there and they're using my room all day , so i can't. stupid drama.

remember when we were in high school and the word "thespians" was funny? high school students still think so.

i really want to get teacher of the month. i'm not sure what i have to do to get it, but i'm sure it involves lots of extra credit for no reason and maybe free candy. or clothes. or high school diplomas. grrrr

i'm spent. going to bed. yeah, it's 10:15 and i can barely stay awake. WHERE'S MY KNITTING BASKET!! i'm 80.

i suck at life.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

so here's a fun story:

last week was a four day week, because monday there was no school because it was president's day. so on tuesday when i got back to school, one of the students from my first period was absent. this kid hasn't been absent yet this year. so when he got back on thursday, i was like, "hey! you're alive!" and his response? "yeah, we got snowed in in aspen and couldn't get back here."

FREAKING ASPEN! seriously.

one of my students told me today that he was messing around on his computer last night and i guess there's this program on apple computers where you can search for people, and he said he put my name in and it came up with my address and phone number. CREEPY. first he just said he found me on the internet, and i was afraid he'd found my blog. i don't think any of THEM have found it yet, or if they have, they've done a surprisingly good job of keeping it a secret. i hope it's the former.

so i'm in my new apartment, and it's AMAZING. i mean, it's not amazing in the sense that it's an upper floor recently renovated rent controlled loft-turned-apartment in new york with an amazing view and a great location, but it's better than the previous place. here's a shocker: i've been putting off unpacking my kitchen for three days now. i suck at life. i'm actually going to do some tonight. even just a couple boxes would be good. and i know that once i start, i'll get a lot done and it won't really take that long, but my couch is so comfy...

i put a scarf over my fancy schmancy entertainment center (actually an old stereo case from which my dad removed the stereo--complete with lift up glass top for a turntable) to hide the extreme ghetto-ness of it until i can buy a nice armoire that i actually like and is in my budget and matches my living room, but now i can't see the clock on my VCR (yep, i'm modern with my VCR) so i have no visible clock in my living room, which is frustrating, because i take my watch off first thing when i come home. i went to target today to buy a new clock, because they have cute home stuff there and it's not arm and leg price range, but all the clocks they had were really modern, which is not my living room (dark wood, beige couch, pear green accents). there was one clock that would have worked, but it was the size of my dining room table (no, really) and it cost $50. i was thinking $20 price range. so i didn't get a clock. but, they have two ottomans that i like, and i really want an ottoman.

did i mention that i love my new apartment? it has FOUR closets! i could live in the closets alone! well, if i didn't want a bed, kitchen, bathroom or laundry facilities. kind of like college. i also have quite a large patio. and it's ungated. gated communities are really just more hassle than they're worth.

I BOUGHT PRIDE AND PREJUDICE YESTERDAY!!!! yes mom, i can afford it. brilliant! i watched it last night and it was amazing. i was smiling like a schoolgirl with a new ice cream cone while i watched it. i keep telling myself that i really am eliza bennett and there is a mr. darcy out there for me. i'm pretty sure he, coincidentally, looks like orlando bloom. or michael vartan. one of the two. i really didn't know how they would fit the story into a feature-length screenplay without cutting out some really important parts, but they did. it's amazing. and kiera knightly! i've loved her since bent it like beckham, but she's perfect as eliza. and the guy that plays mr. bingley!!! such a dork! just like in the BBC version. i just can't say enough good things.

i had a meeting with the learning strategist today (she observed me last week) and she told me that she didn't have anything negative really to say to me. which was a nice compliment.

my students actually like the play we're reading in american lit. strange.

my modern lit students want to read brave new world because one student who is reading it for his research project told them it's about drugs and sex. this is accurate. the rest of the class was intrigued.

i have to hang things on my walls. i'm not good at it. that is typically dad's job. he's got the hammer, and the the level, and the fancy non-rolling pencil. i'm sure i can do it, but it scares me. i have a series of fruit prints (13 framed pictures total) and i have to hang them and make them all look nice and stuff. scary.

i got a new green raincoat. so cute.

i have to teach tomorrow. have i planned yet? no, i have not.

so i'm going to go do that. or watch the daily show. we'll see.

hooray for updates!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

so i've discovered that whenever i get lazy and can't think of anything to write in my blog, i can just steal something that is supposed to be in an email and put it here... i'm a genius.

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1. Waitress
2. Teacher
3. Flying J customer service representative
4. desk clerk at the Canterbury Hotel

Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Love Actually
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. The Italian Job
4. 10 Things I Hate About You

Four places you have lived:
1. Nancy, France
2. Cheltenham, England
3. Chicago
4. Las Vegas

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Alias
2. Gilmore Girls
3. The Simpsons
4. CSI

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Park Rapids, MN
2. Pigeon Forge, TN
3. St. Louis, MO
4. um...not to brag, but all over Europe

Four websites I visit daily:

Four of my favorite foods:
1. cereal
2. ice cream
3. yogurt
4. taco bell

Four places I would rather be right now
1. Tuscany
2. Jamestown, IN
3. My new apartment
4. the biggest suite at the Wynn downtown

Huzzah! Now I don't feel guilty for not updating. this is kind of like a real update, but required very little originality or independent thought on my part, which is always nice. now i need to go do some work. gross.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

wow. i know. i suck at life. i wish i could say i've been super busy and i've just not had time... but we all know that would be a filthy lie.

i'm moving next weekend. i started packing today. why oh why do i have so much crap? because i'm a nolan.

i'm going to ward in advance, this might be really disjointed because i have a lot of random thoughts in my head, and no real cohesive stories or anything.

oh! spider man is on. that might be fun to watch...

i don't have school tomorrow, but i'm going to go there and get some work done. i really don't work well at home, because there are too many distractions (tv, computer, tv.) kirsten dunst has a very strange walk. she leans forward with her torso so it makes her breasts bounce a lot. it really annoys me most of the time. and i really don't like her with red hair. it looks bad, and very obviously fake. people shouldn't try and fake being redhead--it's reserved for us certain few. i missed the part where he wakes up all muscle-y with his shirt off, which is really one of the better moments in film history. darn.

i hate moving. i hate it i hate it i hate it. and usually i have my parents here to make it better (ie, do all the hard work and motivate me) but that's not true this time. gwen is helping me with a lot of the packing because she is a magnificent human being, but it's still my show. i'm looking forward to my new place--it's going to be really cool. it's a lot nicer than my current shithole, and i found out today it's getting new carpet! huzzah!

i found a binder full of my emails from europe (france mostly) and a lot of them were really funny. i wall all political and stuff. i even made a joke about what the US would do if they stopped dropping bombs on the middle east. i even remembered a story that I had repressed, which was unfortunate.

i got couch pillows today!!!!! highlight of my week.

so i have a profile on, and i've had a couple people email me, which is exciting. i told gwen today that this is like in eighth grade when you found out for the first time that a boy liked you, but it's happening to me at the age of 24. it's just strange to me that a boy would think that i'm cute. i mean, i think so, and i'm glad someone finally figured out what always seemed obvious, but it's still exciting.

when packing, i found my old box of checks, which i bought about two years ago, and had used two books from. i never write checks. i pay all my bills online. i get my first key club bonus this week. i also eneed to get my taxes done, so i can get that refund.

james franco creeps me out. a few of my students asked me if i saw tristan and isolde, and i said i would wait and rent it for a few reasons: james franco is creepy, the modern music over a historical film bothered me and the trailers. they were so overblown! BEFORE ROMEO AND JULIET; THERE WAS ... TRISTAN AND ISOLDE. seriously?

i spend most of a class period the other day telling my kids about living in a small town, and they had no clue. one f them asked if we had tv and cell phones. they couldnt' understand that we had all the modern conveniences, but just on a smaller scale. they asked a question about the busses, and were amazed that jamestown had no public transportaton. i told them it wasn't necessary: you could walk from one end of the town to the other in 30 minutes, 20 if you were hurrying. they asked what we did for fun and i had to explain that it was the same stuff they did, we just had to drive farther to get there.

yesterday i bought a shirt that says "everyone loves an irish girl" to wear on st. patrick's day. i know it's kind of cliche, but i think it will be fun. man i hate moving. i really really really really hate moving. i'll be glad when it's done, but i hate moving. it's the packing and transporting and unpacking part that sucks. the having a new place to live thing is fun. unless the new place is a shithole like my current place, then it's less fun. did i mention that i get new carpet?

i saw proof tonight. pretty good. i recommend it.

i'm spent. it's really late for me on a sunday and i'm going to bed soon. i have this partial week, and then six weeks straight until spring break. and then even more weeks straight after that until summer. why did i choose this job again? oh yeah, i get summers off, and everyone else gets two weeks of paid vacation with an extra week added after three years of perfect attendance... suckers. of course, they get paid much more than i do in a city (indy) with much lower housing costs.

i get new carpet.

and i'm getting a kitten. if it's a boy, his name will be guillame le conquerant (william the conquerer), guy for short. if it's a girl.... maybe beatrice? maybe tess. although tess got raped and died at the end of the story... perhaps minou, which means kitten in french. or maybe mitzie.

i have french student in my 5th period and we spoke french to each other for about 10 minutes and all my students were very impressed with my skillz.

bedtime. sorry i'm a dork who can't update regularly.

remind me to tell you about the creeper who asked for semi-naked pictures of me. it's a good one.

Friday, January 20, 2006

did you know that angora is goat hair? gross!! i thought it was rabbit or something...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

i'm not joking about the quiz. expect a new one every day for a while...

i could waste so much time...

...with free internet quizzes. i got this one from john's xanga. i'm not sure how i feel about it.

You Are 21 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i didn't realize that law and order would cause such a stir. let me clarify: i have nothing agianst people who like law and order, and i don't mind it once in a while, but it's not really my favorite and i don't want to watch it all the time. i didn't mean to choose such a hot-button issue...

it's finals week. so it's the best week of the year for me, because i get to sit at my desk and watch my students squirm in pain. then they leave at 10:45 and i get to go out to lunch and have the rest of the afternoon free. it's the life. the downside is that i have to grade all the final exams.

today one of my students was wearing a shirt that said "attention ladies: underneath this shirt is the man of your dreams." it was pretty funny. plus, the kid is really nice so it wasn't pervy or obnoxious. if one of the assholes had worn it i wouldn't have found it amusing.

there are two kinds of high school students. those who do something they're not supposed to with one eye on the teacher at all times because they're waiting to get in trouble and those who either don't realize they shouldn't be doing what they're doing or--more likely--don't care. those who don't keep an eye on the teacher are more fun. partly, i have to respect them for not being pansies, and partly because i get to stare at them for 5 minutes until they realize that i'm doing so and then they feel stupid because the entire class is following my line of sight.

so i'm reading a book about the wives of henry VIII and i just found out that one of the gifts he gave to anny boleyn before he divorced catherine of aragon was venison. nothing says "i love you" like dead deer. nothing. that henry, he was a romantic, i tell ya...

so i'm obsessed with gilmore girls and rory has bangs and i really want to ge bangs because hers are so cute and winter is really the best time to get bangs because your forehead is less likely to sweat and make your bangs all gross, and then (ideally) they'll be grown out enough to go behind my ears by this summer, when it is hot and they will get all gross against my forehead. but i've gotten bangs before and i like them for approximatley 14 minutes and then they get on my nerves. and i have to keep in mind that she has someone whose job it is to do her hair each morning and make it look perfect, and it's probably got enough hairspray to last motley crue a week in 1987 so that the bangs stay perfect all day long, and i don't. but i still want bangs...

i hate the word bangs. i really think that as a society we should be able to come up with a better word for it/them. why are they called bangs? because they bang against your forehead? because they make you want to bang your head into a wall when they won't stay out of your eyes? because they were popular with head-banging hair bands? (the last one was a bit of a stretch). and it just sounds dumb. and the more you say it, the dumber it sounds.

the other day i was watching gilmore girls (shock of all shocks) and rory was reading the book a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, and i was proud because that's a book i read a few years ago. it made me smart.

so the american idol tryout shows are one this week, and i don't like watching them. i know for many people those 4-8 hours of television are the highlight of the year, but i just dont' enjoy it. how many times can you watch someone suck at singing before it gets boring? not many if you're me.

i think i was paid a compliment at lunch today. somehow we got to talking about how well our department gets along and someone said something about brandon, one of the other new teachers. he's the same age as me. rob, my department chair said something about how young he is, and i started to say that he's the same age as me. rob then said that he's much younger than me, even though we're the same age. i think he was calling me mature. he's really really wrong, but it was nice nonetheless.

i also got a compliment from my insurance guy. there have been multiple problems with my insurance (another sarah nolan in indianapolis wrecked a mazda in 2004 and they keep wanting it to be me to make my insurance cost more, and then today i checked out my bank statement online and found that my insurance had taken $400.00 out of my account even though we'd agreed not to make any payments until the mess was taken care of) and i called my insurance guy to try and get the problems solved and at the end of it he said i'd been great through all this, even though there had been multiple opportunities for me to yell and scream and i hadn't once and he appreciated it and i was a great customer. now he could have been just kissing my ass, but i choose to belive that it was sincere. too bad he's short.

did anyone else see peter jackson at the golden globes? holy 150 pound weight loss batman! and he's lost the glasses. still needs to comb his hair.

last night i decided it would be a good idea to drink a soda at 8:30 pm. needless to say i didn't sleep well. stupid caffeine...

i need a new message for my voicemail and i want something funny, but not something that says "i'm 16" but still shows my personality (which, coincidently, is fairly close to that of a 16-year-old). since it's my only phone number i sometimes get "real" phone calls on that phone and i don't want a ridiculous message. any ideas?

i don't really have anything else...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

oooh! i just turned on USA network and Casino is on, not law and order. one of the best movies ever. and set in las vegas--back when it was run by the mob. ah, the good old days...

they should rename the USA channel the law and order channel...

because everytime i turn on channel 34 (USA network) there is an episode of law and order on. other channels at least make an effort to show other stuff sometimes. not usa. once in a while they'll show an episode of monk or something, but the rest of the time it's law and order. and i don't really like law and order, so it doesn't work very well for me...

i went to linens-n-things last night to try and spend a gift card on some towels that actually match my bathroom (because mine are yellow, pink, and maroon in a bathroom that's silver, black, and white). i had to leave without buying anything because the selection was overwhelming. i called my mom today and we figured out what i'm going to buy and how i'm going to arrange the towels. i feel better. i'm going back tomorrow.

i went apartment hunting today and found a couple that i like. there are a few more that weren't open that i'll have to revisit this week. i'm hopeful. the last time i went i was mostly on the south side of time, and this time i stayed north, and they are A LOT cheaper up here. and a lot of them don't charge any extra for pets per month which is cool.

so i was watching gilmore girls this week and it was the episode where rory goes off to college and it got me thinking (which is either pathetic or impressive. impressive that i can use anything, even gilmore girls to stimulate profound thoughts; or pathetic that i was watching that instead of reading the new yorker or something). there are a lot of big moments in life. some you don't remember: birth, first steps, first words, potty training, etc. and some you think will be a big deal, but they're too quick: college graduation (3.7 seconds walking across stage), high school graduation, getting your first job, first paycheck, first kiss etc. some actually have the weight you expect, but the circumstances make it so that they don't feel like you think they should. for example, when mom and dad left me here in las vegas, i should have felt strange or cried or something, but i had to immediately deal with las vegas airport traffic and so my focus was directed elsewhere.

anyway, in that episode there's the moment when rory hugs her mom goodbye and her mom leaves and she walks into her dorm room alone. i remembered that moment. it's really a busy day. you get there and you have to move all your stuff up three flights of stairs and you meet your roommate and you have to rearrange the room four different ways to get it all to fit and then you have to figure out how to fit all your clothes in the absurdly small dresser they give you and you have to make your bed and get some lunch and then you go to a meeting and your parents go to a meeting and you have to do all these things all day and then, all of a sudden, you go out to your parents car and they drive away and you don't and you walk back to your dorm room and sit down and that's it. and i don't care how far away your college is, it's a weird moment. because, for the first time, you're not living at home. and it's sad. before i went to college, i had traveled, i had gone to camp for one or two weeks at a time, i had been apart from them and i had never been homesick. and that day i was so homesick. the first time i called home a couple days later i cried a little. it was just really bizarre to go back to my room and not have it be upstairs from my parents in the kitchen. and i don't really know how to explain it, and it's something that anyone who has moved away to college like that will understand. you just have this huge feeling of "i'm older now. nothing will every be exactly like it was."

i saw the cutest dog today. chow and akita mix. 9 lbs. tan. so sweet. i want one.

i'm excited because it's almost tax season and i think i'm getting rebate this year. at least i hope i am. we'll see.

so there is a website called (it's in the new all american rejects video "dirty little secret") and the whole point is that people put secrets on anonymous postcards and mail them to an address and then this guy has a website out of them. it's amazing. i suggest checking it out. there is also a book and i bought it last night. it's amazing. in the 10 minutes i looked through it in the store, i found at least 4 secrets that i share. some are funny, some are serious, but they're just so amazing. they're these little pieces of someone's life that they share with the world. best $20 i ever spent.

i'm thinking about dropping cable, because it causes me to waste so much time, but i know i'll mist abc family and hgtv. and vh1. and tbs. the thing is, the tv is my friend; the person who talks to me in the evening when i'm here alone and without it my apartment would be very quiet and sad. and i would have no friends. but i would get a lot more done. i would read more, i would play the piano more, etc.

i don't watch the OC. i never have. i saw it the first time when it was called 90210. but i do watch fox sometimes and i've noticed that they've introed a new character who is marissa's sister and is "the bad girl." which is something they also did on 90210. remember tiffany amber theissen as valerie? bad girl. and just a question: i seem to remember brenda and brandon's parents dying in a horrific car wreck or something? please let me know if that's correct.

i think that's all i got for now. i'm going to watch extreme makeover: home edition and go to bed. another 4-day school week this week. man, my life is tough... (that was for you mom)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

don't you hate it when your nose tickles like you have to sneeze, but then the sneeze never comes...

i just spent the last hour reading my old posts. i'm quite funny!

mother of pearl! i love the daily show!

and i just swallowed a gallon of snot.

the daily show is on at 11pm, and thent he colbert report after that, so i can't watch it because it's way past my bedtime. and comedy central reruns it at 10am, but i'm at work that time of day, so i can't watch it then. but fear not my friends: now they re-run it again at 8pm. BRILLIANT!! but i will say that there are a ton of commercials during those two shows.

so i was telling my modern lit class the other day (before winter break) about christopher walken being the scariest man alive (i can't remember why) and that jack nicholson was a close second, and i went on to tell them about the top four creepers:
1. wayne newton
2. tom jones
3. barry manilow
4. niel diamond (mostly because his hair never moves)
and one of my students mentioned that they're all las vegas performers, to which i just smiled cryptically and said "I know."

i swear--my students are all a bunch of delinquints. i asked yesterday and today if anyone had any exciting and school appropriate stories from break and there weren't many. so i asked if the break was boring or if all their stories weren't appropriate and the latter was their response and it just made me sad. i've told them that i dont' want to know about any illegal activities in which they engage, and they respect that for the most part. but i look at them and the things they do, and i wonder what will they have to look forward to? i fear for their adult lives, because so many of the exciting things have already happened.

yesterday was the 36th birthday of one of my colleagues, and several of the teachers were teasing him for being so young. i stayed silent. because i'm not quite there yet.

i have a whole bunch of change in the bottom of my purse that i need to put in my change glass.

see, this is why i don't post everyday: there aren't that many exciting things going on in my life and so the posts become these random, disjointed pieces of nonsense.

i really want an ergonomic keyboard...

i heard on e! news today that orlando and kate were seen shopping for engagement rings in london. i know this may come as a shock to many of you, but there's a slim chance i won't be marrying orlando bloom. is michael vartan still single?

whatever happened to mo rocca?

yesterday one of my key club girls was hanging out in my room after school and all of a sudden she says "ms. nolan! did you notice that i'm wearing hollister??" i hadn't noticed, because honestly i don't pay that much attention. i guess it was a big deal because she never wears hollister and she had gotten a shirt and jeans from there. i just think it's funny that she thought i paid that muc attention to her clothing. i barely pay that much attention to my own clothing.

it's very warm here this week, which sucks because i got several new sweaters and i can't wear them because it's too hot. i mean it's going to be near 70 degrees by friday. we got a new principal. we met him yesterday and he was very loud. our last principal was pretty quiet.

i have my first parent/teacher conferene after school tomorrow. the parent has asked for it with all her students teachers because she has low grades and wants to know what she can do to bring her grades up. she has a 26% in my class. TWENTY SIX PERCENT!! she doesnt' do anything. she's absent half the time and when she's there, she sleeps. and so her parents call a conference the last week of the quarter to bring her grades up. SHE HAS FOUR DAYS OF MY CLASS LEFT. THE GRADE IS NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY IMPROVE TO A B. OR ANYTHING BUT AN F. morons

and i think the colbert report might be funnier than the daily show. sorry john stewart.

today we read "the raven" in my american lit classes and watched the episode of the simpsons that has the raven in it and one of my students said taht was cool and can we do it another time. of course, my sarcastic comment was that from then on out, i would build the curriculum around the simpsons. that might have been a little harsh.

remember the days when i would get worried about the fact that i wasn't prepared for the next day and felt bad for not grading when i got home. good thing i got rid of that guilt. now slacking is guilt free. and as a result, boring. kind of like when i used to play snood in college. it was only fun when i was procrastinating.

anyway, i think this is good. PLEASE COMMENT!! otherwise i think no one is reading them, or no one is enjoying them and i lose my motivation. i like comments. the make me feel loved. they don't have to be witty or long or even nice. :)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

i'm stole this. it's what teachers do.

my friend heidi sent this to me in an email and she stole it from another friend's blog, so i'm just perpetuating the cycle... here goes!!

my uncle once: scared me. a lot. and by "once" i mean "every time i saw him." he was just very loud and boisterous and always called me "sweetie" (his petname for every female he ever encountered) or maybe it was "baby." or "honey." or all three. but anyway, he's a super nice guy, but when i was little i was shy (shock!!) and he always came in yelling happily and kissing me on the cheek and it was a little bit scary. i'm not scared of him anymore.

the one person who drives me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: probably my mom. i love her and she's my best friend, but she likes to mother me. a lot. i guess she earned it around the time she squeezed me out of her vagina, but it drives me nuts sometimes. but then she does something really awesome and it's all good.

high school was: fun. excruciating. boring. hard. too long. too short. the worst four years of my live. the average four years of my life. not the best four years of my life. not like saved by the bell. absurd. dramatic. lonely. busy. this could go on forever, but high school was what it was. nothing more, nothing less. i have very mixed emotions about it and i've not sorted them all out yet. it's still too fresh of a wound.

my first real love was: jonathan brandis?

if i were to get married right now, my bridesmaids would be: how can i possibly answer this without offending someone? i refuse. and what's the point of thinking about an event 50 years in the future?

i talk to my ex: haha. very funny.

last Christmas I: " gave you my heart. the very next day, you gave it away." no, seriously, i thought i would never make it through student teaching and the concept of having a job as a teacher was almost unfathomable. actually, that last part is still true...

when i turn my head left i see: my filing cabinet, my wall, and a magnet for an insurance agent that i never called, which reminds me that i need to buy magnets for my classroom. and a pile of paid bills. stupid bills.

when i turn my head right i see: my tv, couch, movies, piano, front door, two pairs of shoes, a wall thing for my kitchen that i bought in november and have yet to put up, two empty soda cans... is that enough? because i can keep going...

the craziest family event was: if you've met my family, you understand the futility of this question. they're all crazy.

if i was a charater on friends, i'd be: i hate to admit it, but probably ross. boring, neurotic, loser-ish, nerdy...

by this time next year: well let's go with the old standby for shits and giggles: BOYFRIEND!!

you know i "like" you if: i pick on you. i've never quite left that realm of 2nd grade. but if i'm mean to you, i like you.

if i won an award, the first person/people i'd thank would be: my parents. or my boyfriend, orlando bloom.

take my advice: don't go to the las vegas strip for new year's eve. it's not worth the brushes with death.

my ideal breakfast is: have you seen pretty woman? that, except substitute orlando bloom for richard gere. and i'm not a hooker. and he's not more into his work than me. and i have better hair. and i don't eat a plain pancake with my fingers. you know, exactly the same thing.

if you visit my hometown: don't go to the park after sundown. it's a rough place.

if you spent the night at my house: you'd get the couch, because that's just how fancy i am. with the sheets from my bed in college.

i'd stop my wedding if: orlando bloom called me and expressed his undying love...

the world could do without: the lifetime network. no one has that much estrogen. wait, correction: no one should have that much estrogen.

my favorite blonde is: there are two: tyler and trevor-- THE CUTEST KIDS EVER!!

paper clips are more useful than: the security tape they put on cd's and dvd's. i'm pretty sure they only purpose it serves is to drive m crazy and make it so i have to wait 15 minutes to listen to a new cd. bastards.

if i could do anything well, i would: dance. or write. or figure skate. or diet. whatever.

and by the way: who decided that chocolate needed to have 12 billion calories per serving? i mean, it's a necessary food group (i would argue it's more important than the starches) but i have to feel guilty every time i eat it. bollocks!!

once, at a bar: i kissed i guy i'd never talked to because it was my 23rd birthday and i was still a kissing virgin and my friends convinced me that it was a good idea and he slobbered all over me and put his number in my cell phone. i called him a couple weeks later and he never called back then dated my friend. AWKWARD.

las night: i watched arrested development and went to bed. mi vida loca.

there's a girl i know who: failed organic chemistry once and barely passed it the second time, got c's and d's in all her science classes and still thought she would get into medical school.

if you actually read this, you: need to get a life. face it people: i'm not that interesting.

if i ever go back to school, i'll: when i go back i'll get my masters in either: education, linguistics, literature, or british history. or maybe all four.

next time i go to church: i'll again be shocked and awed at how big it is.

my birthday is: october 6th. and generally a letdown.

have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex: i think i took baths with my brothers when i was a baby... as if you all didn't know that answer already.

have you ever brused your teeth in the shower? i dont' think so. it just feels wrong to brush my teeth with hot water.

how old do you look? younger than most of my students, so 15. no, seriously, probably a bout 21 or so.

What's the last song you sang? i think it was "breathe" in the car today.

do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? i don't kiss. because i'm pathetic.

are you in love with anyone right now? myself.

does anything on your body itch right now? my arm, but it only started itching when i typed this.

have you ever had a member of the opposite sex in your room? yes. i'm a virgin, not a puritan.

are you more creative alone or with other people? a little of both. but i think best out loud.

do you end up making a fool of yourself when you try to flirt with someone? usually.

do you exercise before you eat in the morning? i get up at five as it is. i refuse to get up at 4 so that i can exercise.

is it better to be single or in a relationship? like i know.

where/when will the next vacation be? there was talk of going to south korea this summer with my parents to visit my brother, but i don't think i'll be able to afford it. so probably to indiana in the summer to see the fam and be in lindsay's wedding.

do you talk in your sleep? i dont' think so. sometimes when i take naps and i'm not sleeping very deeply i moan. anyone remember the episode from college when we were watching dead man walking??? good times.

name one random fact about yourself: i have a blue freckle on my leg. and when i was in the first grade, i played a bunny in the chrismast musical and i got to stand on stage during one song and i peed my pants right before it started. i had to stand on stage and pose so that people couldn't see the big pee spot on my pink bunny costume (which was a pink sweatsuit). not my best moment.

if you could "take back" your virginity from your first partner, would you? blah.

would you prefer the lights on or off during sex? by the time i get to that particular activity, i won't care. i just can't wait to have sex.

would you ever start a relationship with someone who was still living with an ex for financial reasons? no.

is the male or female body closer to perfection? female. have you seen the male body? i really think the penis was an afterthought. god looked at man, and realized that something was missing and just threw it on there where there was a free spot. not attractive.

would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? it would depend on whether or not he was michael vartan.

generally, in life, what makes you happy? family, friends, coziness, teaching, learning, so many things. the fact that my key club kids ran toward me and gave me hugs this morning. when my nephews laugh at my jokes (of course, they also laugh at the word booger, so it's not such a big deal). looking out the window as my plane lands in indy. looking out the window as my plane lands in las vegas. the fact that elizabeth and darcy always get together.

How well do you handle criticism? i'd say fairly well. but i tend to agonize over it. i'm one of those crazy overachievers.

would you like to date someone a lot poorer than you? interesting wording there. would i like to? well it's not something i hope and dream about, but i would, depending on the situation.

when fooling around with someone, do you sometimes have fantasies of other people? oh yeah. all the time.

is it possible for a fuller-figured woman to be as attractive as a thinner woman? i'd like to think so. other wise i'll die a virgin.

you've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and s/he has been kind enough to cough up a number. how long do you wait to call? at least a week. probably 6 days, so it's not right away, but it's not obvious that i've waited a week. it just seems like i casually decided to call.

would you have a "happy button" installed on your body, connected to your brain, which would instantly make you very happy whenever you pressed it? they did that with rats, and they died. so no. it's the tir na nog thing: without sorrow you can't ever know great joy.

what's sexiest on a woman/man? any attraction to me. and good hair. and a nice big... brain. DON'T BE DIRTY!!

would you rather marry a virgin or someone experienced? i would like to marry a virgin, but i realize that's fairly unlikely considering my age and the current sexual climate.

have you ever had a one-night stand? ha.

is it better to have loved and lost or never to have loved at all? loved and lost. i think. i'm not speaking from experience here or anything, but i think a life without love seems really sad.

wow! that was a lot longer than i anticipated. anyway, i think that will suffice for a post today.