Saturday, September 24, 2005

when harry met sally...

the other day i was thinking about the movie when harry met sally, and i came to a conclusion. i think that movie has deluded a generation of women (or at least just me) about falling in love. now, what i'm about to say may or may not be a) historyicallya accurate, or b) original, but i thought of it all by myself, and i'm pretty proud. it seems like when harry met sally is the archetype of this idea of "friends first" that seems to have captured the fantasies of a lot of women i know. we want to be friends with someone and watch it turn into love. my parents archetypical romance was "love story;" with all its tragedy, and falling in love at first sight. no one wants love at first sight anymore (or at least i don't). we want to meet someone, become friends, and then wake up one day and realize we're in love. think about it--a lot of our favorite couples fall under this pattern: harry and sally, ross and rachel, ... okay, i can't think of any others, but that's not the point! how many movies have you seen where the protagonist is running around looking for love, and then they realize that it's right under their nose? i don't want to go on a date wtih someone, i want to meet them somewhere and start talking and hang out a lot and then one day start referring to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend. i don't know how many articles i've read in cosmo and glamour that talk about moving from friends to dating--should you do it, how you know you should do it, when to do it, how it might mess up the friendship... and maybe this is just me because i tend to live my life a little too much in fantasy and i'm too chicken to talk to a guy i find attractive if i don't already know him. but i blame it on when harry met sally. don't get me wrong--i love the fact that most people i know understand the importance of being friends with your significant other (i would say that being friends is the most important part--you'll be hanging out with that person a lot), but i guess for me, at least, it's created this fear that the only way to ensure that is to fall in love with someone i've already befriended. anyway. that's that. sorry its not so funny. or maybe it is.

my lips are very chapped. stupid non-humidity. i also think i may have to give up hope of ever wearing my hair curly, because when i try to, it looks like jack white hair and that's NOT the look i'm going for, interestingly enough.

i'm going to a greek food festival today. last night i told john that i was hoping to meet a hot greek guy who was not very hairy and didn't have greased back hair, and actually was really orlando bloom. here's hoping!!

i've decided that i have the most screwed up separation anxiety of anyone i know. i was thinking about the lord of the rings movies, and how the last one makes me so sad, and i stopped to think why it makes me sad. it's, for the most part, a happy ending--the good guys win, most everyone lives (except for gollom/smeagol who was beyond saving anyway) everyone who is supposed to finds love, and evil is vanquised. so why so sad? and i realized it was for two reasons: first, and selfishly, because the story was over, and i could only watch the same parts over and over again. the anticipation of wating for a new one to premere at christmastime was done and there was nothing new to wonder about. secondly, and somewhat more disturbingly, was because it meant the fellowship was going to split up and i was really sad for THEM. this is a problem because i'm not one of them so why do i care, and THEY'RE NOT REALY PEOPLE--IT'S A MADE UP STORY. I'M SITTING ON MY COUCH FEELING SORRY FOR MADE UP CHARACTERS. i tried not to think too much about that, because it means i really live my life too much in fantasy. but i realized that whenever i get separation anxiety, it's really just a knowledge, ahead of time, that the people i'm saying goodbye to are not important enough to keep in touch with. when i left college, i didn't have that, because i knew the friends i had made were ones that i would keep contact with. when i said goodbye to my family to move out here, i didn't have separation anxiety because i knew i'd see my family again. does that seem backwards to anyone but me?

i've been thinking a lot lately--two original thoughts in two days might be a new record. it just goes to show that i need to make some friends.

i want to date/marry someone who has an accent. or if not an accent, can speak a foreign language, but only certain ones. spanish and italian are okay, but not preferable. french is alright, but i can speak it, so that "what are you saying" factor is gone. celtic/gaelic would be awesome, or russian, mandarin, old english, middle english, africaans, dutch, any cyrrilic language (all the ones that sound a lot like russian), polish, finnish, austrian, czech/slovakian (the're really similar), or tagolog. portuguese would work only if spoken by a very attractive brazilian man. languages that don't do much for me would be japanese, actually any asian language except mandarin (this includes south asia), portugese (spoken by anyone but a brazilian man, swedish, norweigain, most african languages, german, or anything i haven't mentioned. prefered accents would be british, scottish, irish, australian/new zealandish(?), russian, brazilian, minnesotan, or swiss. the desirability of other accents would have to be determined on an individual basis. in case you were wondering.

i get to spend all of tomorrow morning in a parking lot with my key clubbers and a bunch of kiwanis (which in my mind screams "creepy old men! creepy old men!"). my kids are doing a parking lot sale--which means you pay for a space in a parking lot and sell stuff. sounds strange to me. it starts at 7:00 am. SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FREAKING MORNING! ON A SUNDAY! i go to church on sundays, but not until 10:00. so i'm going to church tonight. after the greek food festival. sometime i need to do some grading and leson planning for the week. or i could just have my students do silent reading all day everyday while i sleep or read a book. oh wait...that's called subbing. shit.

okay, i need to go salvage what i can of my attempt at curly hair. stupid desert.


Anonymous said...

Or, you could quit worrying about finding the right guy, and let God do the work for you, or try It will happen when it is time. I had decided to be content with being an old maid school teacher and then dad kept hanging around g'ma and g'pa's house with uncle John and it happened!!!!

If you were in Indiana right now, you could have curly hair because it is so humid that everything is curly!!!

Have a fun week-end.

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Your mom is right about the guy. and also about the humidity. just today i saw horse in a pasture with what appeared to be a permed mane and tail. and for some reason the grass in my yard reminds me of bill cosby. hmmmm.

what about pig latin? does that count.

just so you know, bird got a new home in chicago yesterday. she's the happiest kitty ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet woman, you do live in a fantasy land, but it's one of the reason's we are such great friends! You crack me up and you worry no more or less than most of us "normal" people! Everything will be great! I promise!