Monday, August 29, 2005

bright lights, big headache

so friday night i went to the first football game of the season for the palo verde panthers (which they won) and here are some things that i found strange: first of all, the cheerleaders all stood on these little platform things for their cheers. at first i thought that the PV cheerleaders just had an ego issue and wanted to be taller; but then i saw that the other team's cheerleaders had them too. the game was...well honestly i didn't watch any of the game, but i did talk to another new teacher from Michigan named Shawn and his wife Gwen, who was really nice. the football field at my school is on a hill, so it's higher than the school. after the game, we decided to go up on top of the press box to see what kind of view was offered. well, we got up there and the view was AMAZING!! we could see all the way to the strip, and since the entire city is in a valley, we could see pretty much all of it. i wish i had taken my camera with me, because it was absolutely gorgeous. we stayed up there for a while, talking, and then another teacher, who also coaches cross country had someone turn all the stadum lights off and we could see even more. i'm running out of adjectives, but it was brilliant. i could have stayed up there for another three hours just staring.

today was my first day of school. i was worried that i wouldn't sleep well last night, and i actually slept great, which was nice, though confusing. today went alright. since it was the first day of school, i knew i had a lot of administrative things to do, and i only saw each period for 30 minutes because we're usually on a block schedule, but today we saw all our classes. i thougtht the other stuff would take most of the period, and then i would spend a few minutes talking to them and then send them on their merry way. lucky for me (sarcasm) the first day stuff only took about 10 minutes, so i had to fill 20 minutes of each of my classes. in the classes that actually would talk to me and ask questions, that was fine, but there were a few where they just sat and stared at me, making me feel very foolish.

it got up to 111 degrees yesterday. just in case you were wondering.

so, now i have quite the large headache, which dr. sarah decided to remedy with ice cream, seeing as it IS the miracle drug. i guess that's about it. i know i should write more, but my head hurts and i really should work on some stuff for school tomorrow (just a few things--i'm mostly prepared, honest). right now i'm just hoping that the stuff i sent to the copy center last week will be done by tomorrow, or i'll have another 30 minutes to fill (which is slightly less than fun). i kind of need to think of something else to have as a back up plan for tomorrow in case we get done sooner than i expect. any suggestions? maybe i'll just have them write a 10 page paper on the social implications of gender roles in the movie Napoleon Dynamite. if i'm lucky they won't even know what that means...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am enjoying your blog!!! Hope your headache is better and I am very glad that you remember at least one thing from your mother....that ice cream is the miracle !!! Dad and I continue to pray for you and hope that this day goes better. We love you! Mom