Wednesday, January 04, 2006

don't you hate it when your nose tickles like you have to sneeze, but then the sneeze never comes...

i just spent the last hour reading my old posts. i'm quite funny!

mother of pearl! i love the daily show!

and i just swallowed a gallon of snot.

the daily show is on at 11pm, and thent he colbert report after that, so i can't watch it because it's way past my bedtime. and comedy central reruns it at 10am, but i'm at work that time of day, so i can't watch it then. but fear not my friends: now they re-run it again at 8pm. BRILLIANT!! but i will say that there are a ton of commercials during those two shows.

so i was telling my modern lit class the other day (before winter break) about christopher walken being the scariest man alive (i can't remember why) and that jack nicholson was a close second, and i went on to tell them about the top four creepers:
1. wayne newton
2. tom jones
3. barry manilow
4. niel diamond (mostly because his hair never moves)
and one of my students mentioned that they're all las vegas performers, to which i just smiled cryptically and said "I know."

i swear--my students are all a bunch of delinquints. i asked yesterday and today if anyone had any exciting and school appropriate stories from break and there weren't many. so i asked if the break was boring or if all their stories weren't appropriate and the latter was their response and it just made me sad. i've told them that i dont' want to know about any illegal activities in which they engage, and they respect that for the most part. but i look at them and the things they do, and i wonder what will they have to look forward to? i fear for their adult lives, because so many of the exciting things have already happened.

yesterday was the 36th birthday of one of my colleagues, and several of the teachers were teasing him for being so young. i stayed silent. because i'm not quite there yet.

i have a whole bunch of change in the bottom of my purse that i need to put in my change glass.

see, this is why i don't post everyday: there aren't that many exciting things going on in my life and so the posts become these random, disjointed pieces of nonsense.

i really want an ergonomic keyboard...

i heard on e! news today that orlando and kate were seen shopping for engagement rings in london. i know this may come as a shock to many of you, but there's a slim chance i won't be marrying orlando bloom. is michael vartan still single?

whatever happened to mo rocca?

yesterday one of my key club girls was hanging out in my room after school and all of a sudden she says "ms. nolan! did you notice that i'm wearing hollister??" i hadn't noticed, because honestly i don't pay that much attention. i guess it was a big deal because she never wears hollister and she had gotten a shirt and jeans from there. i just think it's funny that she thought i paid that muc attention to her clothing. i barely pay that much attention to my own clothing.

it's very warm here this week, which sucks because i got several new sweaters and i can't wear them because it's too hot. i mean it's going to be near 70 degrees by friday. we got a new principal. we met him yesterday and he was very loud. our last principal was pretty quiet.

i have my first parent/teacher conferene after school tomorrow. the parent has asked for it with all her students teachers because she has low grades and wants to know what she can do to bring her grades up. she has a 26% in my class. TWENTY SIX PERCENT!! she doesnt' do anything. she's absent half the time and when she's there, she sleeps. and so her parents call a conference the last week of the quarter to bring her grades up. SHE HAS FOUR DAYS OF MY CLASS LEFT. THE GRADE IS NOT GOING TO MAGICALLY IMPROVE TO A B. OR ANYTHING BUT AN F. morons

and i think the colbert report might be funnier than the daily show. sorry john stewart.

today we read "the raven" in my american lit classes and watched the episode of the simpsons that has the raven in it and one of my students said taht was cool and can we do it another time. of course, my sarcastic comment was that from then on out, i would build the curriculum around the simpsons. that might have been a little harsh.

remember the days when i would get worried about the fact that i wasn't prepared for the next day and felt bad for not grading when i got home. good thing i got rid of that guilt. now slacking is guilt free. and as a result, boring. kind of like when i used to play snood in college. it was only fun when i was procrastinating.

anyway, i think this is good. PLEASE COMMENT!! otherwise i think no one is reading them, or no one is enjoying them and i lose my motivation. i like comments. the make me feel loved. they don't have to be witty or long or even nice. :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

christopher walken is creepy because i'm pretty sure he never blinks. and he was the LEAST compassionate man that could have been chosen to play the father on "sarah, plain and tall." i'm not going to lie, that was a great movie, and i know we both loved it, but he's a CREEPER!! and, i noticed that i don't have to be "anonymous" when i post, but i'm retarded and have always done it anyway. so, all the extra witty comments that make you giggle to yourself and think about better days...those are from me. and, do you remember when it used to make cindy crack up when one of us would say somebody sucked at life? i miss that girl. oh, and i went in to the canterbury the other night cause i had to use the facilities (a grown up way to say i was about to pee my pants) and anthony molested me. he gave me a great big creepy hug. so, i would like to go ahead and add him to the creeper list...

and, how's the new princiPAL working out? other than he's loud...

this was an extra long blog comment just so you would feel special. i commented on the other two, as well, but since you specifically asked for one on here i thought i would help out :)

ADRIANE...not anonymous

Anonymous said...

You are very loved. I have read this blob and the one about new years eve so far since I talked with you. Laura called so I am taking longer. From now on you have to spend new year's eve with dad and I just to be safe.

How was the conference with the parent?

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I DO hate it when my nose tickles and the sneeze never comes!

My closest friends right now are 25, 28, and 29. I am grateful they do not relate to me in that, "Back when when I was your age" way, but when they start talking about the early or mid 80's, I am silent. I am at an age where I feel both very old and very young and it is awkward.

So the news here is:
1. Steven with a "v" (or is it "ph"? He is just Thrax to me) is here to visit for Jan term.
2. There were EIGHT people from MC in the same room the other night, 600 miles away from Manchester.
3. I still have not taken my Christmas tree down. I don't intend to either.
4. The instructor of my 8:00 a.m. Saturday class? A crazy nun.
5. I think there was something else, but I don't remember, so, I miss you!

Anonymous said...

first of all, i hope the "john" on this comments page is a student of yours. that would be awesome!!!!!

second, i will strongly agree with A that christopher walken is the WORST actor they could've picked to play "jacob" on "sarah, plain and tall". he was all "sarah... there is no rain." in his creepy christopher walken way. ooo. if i'm ever on a street naming comitee i'm really going to push for Christopher Walken Way to be the name of some cul du sac in a subdivision. it has a nice ("nice" meaning "creepy") ring to it.

third, what is mo rocca? did you mean morocco? that's a country.

and last,