Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sor...

I honestly hadn't realized how long it had been since my last post (june 3!), which was my impassioned request that everyone read The Road, which is a belief i still firmly espouse.

so...summer was good. i relaxed and spent a long time in indiana, which was amazing. i loved being back there, especially since my parents now have a trampoline at their house. plus, my roommate alison came out to visit and we went to chicago for a few days. that visit just made me miss chicago A LOT. and my friend nicole got married, so i got to see most of my college girls. once i got back to vegas, i spent a lot of time reading and hanging out on my couch, which was AMAZING. call me lazy ("lazy") but i love sitting around on my couch watching tv and movies and reading.

i tried to read The Catcher in the Rye this summer, because it's on my book list, and my students always read it, but i couldn't get past page 50. i really just hate that book. everyone says i should have read it when i was younger, because it's written for 16 year olds and of course i'm going to hate it at my age. but i'm not sure i would have liked it when i was 16--the whole "i'm going to rebel because people don't treat me like an adult so i'll just show them how adult i can be" phase was never very appealing to me. i seemed like such a waste of time to waste energy on doing thingsi wasn't allowed to do when i could just wait two years and do them anyway. plus, i had a job and financial responsibilities at 16, which are two markers of adulthood. i'm not saying i was some paragon of maturity (i bought several *nsync cd's around that time), but i do think, that in some ways, i was a little more...grounded...than your average teenager. and reading back over that, i realize just how egotistical and self-centered that sounded. oh well.

speaking of *nsync, guess who has tickets to the new kids on the block concert on oct. 11?!?!?! i also purchased their new cd with very little shame. it's not the worst cd i've spent money on, but it's not great. it's a pretty solidly mediocre r&b album featuring 5 guys in their late '30s who are trying to reclaim the notoriety they had when they were in their early '20s. plus, my friend claire told me today that they're having their after party at LAX (a club here in town), and my friend lacey's sister lindsay knows someone who works at the door there, so we're thinking about going. 11-year-old me is completely insane at the idea of seeing DONNIE WHALBERG in person. of course, they'll be upstairs at a table and we'll be buried on the floor with the rest of the peasantry. i'm hoping that lacey will be able to get us to their table. one of her major talents is getting into vip areas with celebrities. (fingers crossed!)

school is going pretty well. actually, compared to last year, it's going phenominally (now officially a word). i have a new class--Modern lit Honors, and it's amazing. i love my kids in all my classes...i'm just having so much fun this year. so much better than last year. i just wanted to beat my head against a wall a lot of the time then.

i also read the twilight series, despite my fervent vows that i would never sink to such literary depths. and i loved them. i'm re-readng the last one right now, and have a bit of a mental countdown to the movie. i kind of hate myself for it. but they were good. and now i desperatly want a boyfriend. desperately. i'm not sure if that's because of the books, or if it's just time for my quarterly "desperate for a boyfriend" phase.

so i'm going to go grade papers now. or read Breaking Dawn some more. three guesses to which of those options actually happens. and there are only two options.

no wonder i don't have a boyfriend.

i'll try to be better about posting. if it gets bad again, adriane, heidi, light a fire under my ass.

and adriane, those kids ARE getting one hell of an education. (we have an amazing science department...)