Saturday, August 19, 2006

why is it that a french accent on a woman sounds really beautiful and romantic, but on a man it just sounds kind of silly and ridiculous?

just a thought. that's just my opinion.

in my modern literature class, we study the different eras of literature in the 19th and 20th century, and the last one we deal with is magical realism, which is " 'heightened reality' or the addition of another dimension of reality through a symbolic or metaphoric structure. It gives us a new way of preceiving the world, as if through a child looking at the world for the first time." there is a story that falls into that category in the textbook, but i dont' like it and i don't really get it. so, i figured i'd show a movie and make everyone happy. here's the problem: all the good magical realism films are rated PG-13, and i can't show anything higher than PG in my class. I really want to show big fish, but it's rated PG-13. So are chocolat, like water for chocolate, moulin rouge, and what dreams may come. seriously. so frustrating. i was just going to show harry potter, but that's more fantasy. i'm thinking about taping big fish off tv, because we can show anything anything from tv. or i might just be a rebel and show big fish anyway, because they're seniors, and this is las vegas, and they can see worse stuff on bilboards.

i spent a lot of time this week getting ready for school to start (lesson plans, general outlines of what i'm going to do with each class) and i've been having so much fun. it's funny that i spent all summer putting off school work and now that i'm doing it i'm having a blast.

my cat can now jump up on the kitchen counters, which doesn't thrill me. he's also decided that his favorite toy is toilet paper, so i can't keep it on the roller anymore, but perched on top of the towel rack where he can't get to it. he destroyed a whole roll this week, which made a huge mess and cost me money. TOILET PAPER IS EXPENSIVE!!

and can i just say that one uses much more toilet paper when one is home all day every day. i feel like i'm literally pissing through all the money i have. just one more thing that men save money on. along with, of course, makeup, shoes, flat and curling irons, and bras. and jewelry.

i went and saw scoop, the new woody allen movie last night, and i loved it. i'd never seen a woody allen movie before and i think i might be a fan. i'm going to go rent annie hall today and then slowly watch every movie he's ever made. i was giggling the whole time. there were times when nothing was happening and i would just sit there, giggling like a fool. new favorite quote: "i don't see the glass a half empty. i see it as half full, but of poison." hugh jackman still gorgeous, and when he's playing a suave, charming, wealthy aristocrat who alternates between nice suits and really really well fitting jeans, he's GORGEOUS. if he wasn't married with two (adopted) kids, i'd stalk him and make him love me. that man can *wear* a pair of jeans. i highly recommend the movie.

i know i might get hatemail from this, but audrey hepburn's accent kind of makes me want to rip my ears off. i still love her, and still want to be her and look like her. but her accent kind of gets in the way sometimes. no one's perfect.

i realize my blogs have gotten more and more boring over the last few weeks. i promise, school starts soon and then i'll have fun stories. right now, my life is sitting at home, watching tv, and working on school stuff. so, unless you all want thousands of stories about my cat, this is all i got.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

a little bit random...

there's not going to be any sort of over-arching theme to this post, but i have a lot of little things i want to mention. thus with the random-osity.

i dogsat las week. my friends sean and gwen were out of town, and since they took care of my cat for three weeks, i figured i owed them. luckily, cruiser (their dog, a greyhound) is really mort like a big cat. he's actually more cat-like than my cat. the only variation from the cat behavior is the going outside to use the restroom. this is also one of the most highly-scheduled dogs i've ever seen. the first morning i had him, i woke up around 9am and took him outside first thing. when i came back in i noticed that he had peed on my carpet, because he was used to going out at around 7am, and when i didn't take him out then, he couldn't hold it. so, i had to get out of bed at 7am every day for a week so the dog wouldn't pee on my carpet. i made myself stay up most days, because i'm trying to adjust my body clock so when i have to get up at 5am next week for school, my brain won't implode. as i was walking him one afternoon, i saw a kid, maybe 11 years old, walking with a bag of trash in a direction not anywhere near a dumpster (i need to mention that my complext is right next to the freeway), and i realized he was walking towards that side of the complex. when he went away, i wandered over and saw a pile of trash bags just on the other side of the complex wall next to the freeway. now i will admit, taking the trash to the dumpster is annoying, especially when it's summer in the desert (120 degrees is HOT, i don't care if it's a dry heat), but are people really that lazy? they're going to throw their trash next to the freeway? come on! i was pretty disappointed in my fellow resident.

i have to go back to work one week from tomorrow. mixed feelings. last night i had my first teaching dream in a long time, so i know it's getting to be that time of year. i have yet to do any work toward the school year. i had breakfast with a couple other teachers this morning, and one guy has everything planned (including, but not limited to, lesson plans, tests, quizzes, homework assignments, worksheets, and lectures) through the first quarter. i don't know what i'm going to do the first day. i love procrastination. maybe i'll do some work tonight.

i've decided that my cat is not really a cat. he has the fluffiest tail ever, ergo part squirrel (although, adriane, not quite as fluffy as brownie's was). his favorite activity: fetch. ergo, part dog. he's huge for a cat, so there's some pony in there, and since his favorite place to sleep is wrapped around my neck, he's gotta be part scarf.

the other day i actually found myself telling some friends that the weather had been really nice the past few days, as it hadn't gone over 100 degrees. it's a sad state of things when anything under 100 just feels nice. a couple nights ago it was in the low 80's, and it felt cooler outside than in my apartment.

i saw a really good movie last weekend: mrs. henderson presents. it's british, so it might be challenging to find it, but i recommend searching. blockbuster usually does pretty well with independant/lesser known films. it's about this woman who is a bored widow so she buys a theatre and eventually puts on nude shows and hijinks ensue.

you know what i don't get? the show "flavor of love." i just don't understand why women would compete to be with flava flav. have they seen what he looks like? and how annoyingly half-drunk and obscenely loud he is? i understand the premise of a show where women compete to get away from him, but to be his girlfriend? and yes, i understand the fact that there are golddiggers out there and women with poor taste, and low self-esteem (never a good combo), but some things should just be obvious. i can't even stand to watch it (and we all know how i love terrible reality shows on vh1) but he just makes me want to punch my tv. or shoot it. but since, unlike elvis, i can't afford to buy a new one every week, i just have to avoid the show.

project runway is quality tv.

fergie from the black eyed peas has a new single (and album, come to think) and may i just voice my opinion that IT IS TERRIBLE. this does not mean i will refrain from dancing to it should the occasio arise, but it flat out sucks. first of all, she doesn't really sing, she kind of speaks the lyrics in a manner that isn't quite rap, and itsn't quite spoken word. it's just obnoxious. and there is only one verse, which she repets a couple times. and i noticed this morning when i saw the video that she is not an attractive woman. i used to think she was really beautiful, but holy rotten bananas batman--she's quite the butter face. (everything about her is good but her face).

inversely, justin timberlake's new single is growing on me like mold in a french cheese factory. i didn't like it at first, but then i heard it a second time. mmm-hmmm.

i think, once it gets cooler, i might get bangs that go to about mid-eye that i can sweep off to one side (a la rory on gilmore girls). i can't do this until at least october though, because it's just too hot to have bangs in the summer, and then one's forehead begins to perspire and said bangs get gross and sweaty.

i know i've mentioned this before, but i really, really hate the word bangs. i really think that we, as a society should be able to come up with a better word.

my cable company's website has a program guide that says what's showing at any given time. much like the tv guide channel, but i am able to look at my own pace, instead of that of the tv guide channel's, which is very slow and makes me want to kick my tv. so, today i was perusing it to see what was on, because even with 74 channels, very little is on tv from noon to four. the whole thing is color-coded by category (sports are yellow, movies are blue, etc.) and i noticed that "saved by the bell" was light green. light green is children's programming. i was watching it at the time. pathetic.
and really depressing.

i can't really think of anything else right now. once school starts i'll have fun new stories. right now it's just me, guy, and my television. it's quite the exciting life i lead.