Tuesday, February 21, 2006

so i've discovered that whenever i get lazy and can't think of anything to write in my blog, i can just steal something that is supposed to be in an email and put it here... i'm a genius.

Four jobs you've had in your life:
1. Waitress
2. Teacher
3. Flying J customer service representative
4. desk clerk at the Canterbury Hotel

Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Love Actually
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. The Italian Job
4. 10 Things I Hate About You

Four places you have lived:
1. Nancy, France
2. Cheltenham, England
3. Chicago
4. Las Vegas

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Alias
2. Gilmore Girls
3. The Simpsons
4. CSI

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Park Rapids, MN
2. Pigeon Forge, TN
3. St. Louis, MO
4. um...not to brag, but all over Europe

Four websites I visit daily:
1. gmail.google.com
2. match.com
3. craigslist.org
4. sparknotes.com

Four of my favorite foods:
1. cereal
2. ice cream
3. yogurt
4. taco bell

Four places I would rather be right now
1. Tuscany
2. Jamestown, IN
3. My new apartment
4. the biggest suite at the Wynn downtown

Huzzah! Now I don't feel guilty for not updating. this is kind of like a real update, but required very little originality or independent thought on my part, which is always nice. now i need to go do some work. gross.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

wow. i know. i suck at life. i wish i could say i've been super busy and i've just not had time... but we all know that would be a filthy lie.

i'm moving next weekend. i started packing today. why oh why do i have so much crap? because i'm a nolan.

i'm going to ward in advance, this might be really disjointed because i have a lot of random thoughts in my head, and no real cohesive stories or anything.

oh! spider man is on. that might be fun to watch...

i don't have school tomorrow, but i'm going to go there and get some work done. i really don't work well at home, because there are too many distractions (tv, computer, tv.) kirsten dunst has a very strange walk. she leans forward with her torso so it makes her breasts bounce a lot. it really annoys me most of the time. and i really don't like her with red hair. it looks bad, and very obviously fake. people shouldn't try and fake being redhead--it's reserved for us certain few. i missed the part where he wakes up all muscle-y with his shirt off, which is really one of the better moments in film history. darn.

i hate moving. i hate it i hate it i hate it. and usually i have my parents here to make it better (ie, do all the hard work and motivate me) but that's not true this time. gwen is helping me with a lot of the packing because she is a magnificent human being, but it's still my show. i'm looking forward to my new place--it's going to be really cool. it's a lot nicer than my current shithole, and i found out today it's getting new carpet! huzzah!

i found a binder full of my emails from europe (france mostly) and a lot of them were really funny. i wall all political and stuff. i even made a joke about what the US would do if they stopped dropping bombs on the middle east. i even remembered a story that I had repressed, which was unfortunate.

i got couch pillows today!!!!! highlight of my week.

so i have a profile on match.com, and i've had a couple people email me, which is exciting. i told gwen today that this is like in eighth grade when you found out for the first time that a boy liked you, but it's happening to me at the age of 24. it's just strange to me that a boy would think that i'm cute. i mean, i think so, and i'm glad someone finally figured out what always seemed obvious, but it's still exciting.

when packing, i found my old box of checks, which i bought about two years ago, and had used two books from. i never write checks. i pay all my bills online. i get my first key club bonus this week. i also eneed to get my taxes done, so i can get that refund.

james franco creeps me out. a few of my students asked me if i saw tristan and isolde, and i said i would wait and rent it for a few reasons: james franco is creepy, the modern music over a historical film bothered me and the trailers. they were so overblown! BEFORE ROMEO AND JULIET; THERE WAS ... TRISTAN AND ISOLDE. seriously?

i spend most of a class period the other day telling my kids about living in a small town, and they had no clue. one f them asked if we had tv and cell phones. they couldnt' understand that we had all the modern conveniences, but just on a smaller scale. they asked a question about the busses, and were amazed that jamestown had no public transportaton. i told them it wasn't necessary: you could walk from one end of the town to the other in 30 minutes, 20 if you were hurrying. they asked what we did for fun and i had to explain that it was the same stuff they did, we just had to drive farther to get there.

yesterday i bought a shirt that says "everyone loves an irish girl" to wear on st. patrick's day. i know it's kind of cliche, but i think it will be fun. man i hate moving. i really really really really hate moving. i'll be glad when it's done, but i hate moving. it's the packing and transporting and unpacking part that sucks. the having a new place to live thing is fun. unless the new place is a shithole like my current place, then it's less fun. did i mention that i get new carpet?

i saw proof tonight. pretty good. i recommend it.

i'm spent. it's really late for me on a sunday and i'm going to bed soon. i have this partial week, and then six weeks straight until spring break. and then even more weeks straight after that until summer. why did i choose this job again? oh yeah, i get summers off, and everyone else gets two weeks of paid vacation with an extra week added after three years of perfect attendance... suckers. of course, they get paid much more than i do in a city (indy) with much lower housing costs.

i get new carpet.

and i'm getting a kitten. if it's a boy, his name will be guillame le conquerant (william the conquerer), guy for short. if it's a girl.... maybe beatrice? maybe tess. although tess got raped and died at the end of the story... perhaps minou, which means kitten in french. or maybe mitzie.

i have french student in my 5th period and we spoke french to each other for about 10 minutes and all my students were very impressed with my skillz.

bedtime. sorry i'm a dork who can't update regularly.

remind me to tell you about the match.com creeper who asked for semi-naked pictures of me. it's a good one.